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1. The Truth About Acid-Blocking Medications Socialize with us - Facebook Twitter
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The Truth About Acid-Blocking Medications by Dr. Martin
There’s an “indigestion” scandal affecting millions of people. When doctors talk about conditions like indigestion, heartburn, GERD, hiatal hernias, or bloating. They offer only ONE solution. Some sort of acid-blocking medication to shut off the production of stomach acid. But, that’s a huge mistake. Sure turning off the ability to make acid in your stomach can give you relief. But this solution does NOTHING to fix the problem. Imagine having a leak in your kitchen sink and the plumber’s solution is to turn off the water to your entire house. That means no more showers, washing hands, cooking, brushing your teeth, cooking, or even drinking water. But, good news your kitchen sink isn’t leaking anymore. That doesn’t make much sense does it? Yet, that’s exactly what happens when you take an acid blocker. It turns out that turning off the acid in your stomach can lead to other serious problems - Osteoporosis, Irritable Bowel, Colitis, Indigestion, Nausea, Heart Palpitations, and more. And, just because you can buy acid-blockers over-the-counter in pharmacies (or even gas stations) doesn’t mean they don’t cause serious side effects. An Indiana University researcher uncovered that long-term use of acid-blockers can rob you of your independence in more than one way. People who use acid-blocker prescriptions or over-the-counter medications for more than two years are 2X more likely to suffer from mild to potentially severe dementia. Researchers believe these types of drugs can suppress a neurotransmitter involved in memory and thinking. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that people who took antacids came down with pneumonia four times as often as people who didn’t. And…Drugs that prevent your body from producing stomach acid increase your risk of breaking a hip. The Journal of the American Medical Association also found that long-time users of acid-blocking drugs had a 44% greater risk of hip fracture. These drugs make your bones weak. Also, let’s not forget that long-term use of nearly any antacid increases the risk of kidney stones. The more you learn about long-term use of these types of drugs the worse it gets. And sadly most people are on them for YEARS. ACID BLOCKERS ARE NOT THE ANSWER The real solution? If you want to overcome indigestion problems — such as burping, belching and heartburn then you must address the cause. Why do you think we have stomach acid? It’s there to digest our food. What do you think happens if you neutralize your stomach acid? You don’t digest your food properly. It passes from your stomach to your intestines. And that’s where it stays. Which is why the ‘old’ saying… “you are what you eat” is wrong. The correct statement is… “you are what you ABSORB”. For most people…their indigestion issues are actually caused by too little stomach acid. When you don’t have enough stomach acid, food simply sits in the stomach and ferments. This causes the creation of gasses and other acids that cause indigestion. Turning the acid off in your stomach only makes things worse much worse. Because doctors also forget you need stomach acid to activate protein-digesting enzymes in your stomach. Most already don’t get enough protein in their diet, and that can lead to debilitating future problems like sarcopenia. The last thing you need is to turn off stomach acid production. There’s one more thing you should know about the dangers of stopping acid production. Stomach acid kills harmful bacteria and viruses. It’s one of your body’s best defenses against infection. Everything we eat has bacteria on it. Most of the bugs are harmless, but some can do you deadly harm — like E. Coli and salmonella. Your stomach acid kills off these bacteria and protects you from the diseases they cause. When you reduce the amount of stomach acid you have, you increase your risk of food poisoning. Here’s what I think about acid blockers: The more acid-lowering medications people take the more digestive problems they have. I saw it in my clinic over and over again. So, if you’re suffering from indigestion, gas or bloating, abdominal pain or discomfort, a lack of energy, acid reflux, irritable bowel, or frequent constipation or diarrhea… Then what’s the solution? First, it always starts with food. People eat too much fake food with crappy carbs, crappy seed oils and too much sugar. People also eat all the time they snack all day. They don’t give their body a chance to “rest and digest”. And people eat too close to bedtime. If people cut out crappy carbs, crappy seed oils, and cut out sugar and don’t snack all day And stop eating 3 hours before bed Most of their need for acid-blockers would go away. Probiotics are good bacteria that live inside your digestive track and help prevent and treat several gut diseases. Probiotics support digestion, enzyme production, and help maintain and balance a healthy gut by positively affecting your gut environment. Positively affected? Yes, Probiotics are naturally disruptive to harmful bacteria and help displace unfriendly organisms in your body by affecting their ability to grow. We suggest that you improve your metabolism which also includes probiotics. See Metabolic Boost
Are Canned Vegetables Healthy? While canned vegetables seem convenient, they’re generally lower in nutrients and often contain preservatives and artificial additives. Canning kills harmful bacteria and preserves vegetables for a long time, but choosing canned produce may not be the best choice for your health. Canned vegetables vs. fresh vegetables Opt for fresh produce whenever possible. Fresh veggies are minimally processed and typically have a higher nutritional value than canned or frozen vegetables. Canning requires high heat to kill foodborne bacteria, which makes canned foods shelf-stable. However, water-soluble vitamins, including B vitamins and vitamin C, are heat sensitive and break down during the canning process. Canned foods have been found to have lower amounts of health-promoting antioxidants than fresh or frozen foods and can expose you to bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used to line metal food cans. Research found that BPA can leach into foods, is linked to an increased risk of breast and prostate cancer, and may cause infertility. Although extremely rare, damaged "food cans" can carry Clostridium botulinum, which is a neurotoxic bacteria that can cause food poisoning. While this isn’t a significant health risk for most people, infants, pregnant women, and individuals with a compromised immune system can experience severe symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. Are canned vegetables keto-friendly? Many canned foods—including green beans, asparagus, and mushrooms—are low-carb and won't affect your blood sugar balance. However, Healthy Keto focuses on high-quality, nutrient-rich, and minimally processed ingredients. Canned vegetables don't meet Healthy Keto requirements. They're highly processed, contain fewer nutrients, and may expose you to artificial preservatives and harmful BPA. And, what's more, canning can increase the glycemic load of specific foods, including canned tomatoes, beans, and pumpkins. Foods with a high glycemic load are more quickly absorbed, causing a rapid increase in blood sugar that can kick you out of ketosis. While most canned vegetables have salt added to inhibit bacterial growth, some contain sugar to increase the shelf-life. Canned ginger, beets, peas, and carrots often contain added sugars and aren’t keto-friendly. Key takeaways To support your health, it’s best to avoid canned vegetables and opt for raw or slightly steamed keto-approved veggies instead. FAQ 1. Can I have canned vegetables on keto? Canning also increases the glycemic load of some vegetables, including tomatoes and pumpkins. These foods can affect your blood sugar and insulin levels and quickly kick you out of ketosis. 2. Are canned vegetables good for you? Canned foods often have a high sodium content which can be problematic for people with high blood pressure. 3. Do canned vegetables contain unhealthy additives? Canned foods also can contain traces of bisphenol A (BPA), a potentially harmful chemical often used to coat the inside of food cans. Research suggests that BPA disrupts hormonal balance and may cause infertility, especially in men. 4. Are fresh vegetables more nutritious than canned? 5. How do canned vegetables stay fresh for years? 6. Which canned vegetables are healthiest? Is Organic Food Really Overpriced?
Sorbitol (a form of sugar) travels to certain parts of the body where it builds up. These parts of the body are the lens of the eye where it forms a white milky film called cataracts, and the sciatic nerve (the big nerve that runs down your leg) where it can cause nerve damage (nerve pain). Evidence indicates that taking 2,000 mg a day of vitamin C may reduce the production of sorbitol and help strip sorbitol out of the body. Vitamin C is an antioxidant. It is needed for tissue growth and repair, adrenal gland functions, healthy gums, skin and blood. It also aids in the production of anti-stress hormones, metabolism, protection against harmful effects of pollution, infection and enhances the immune system. Camu camu is one of the highest known sources of natural vitamin C. Research indicates camu camu contains up to 56 times more vitamin C than a lemon and 50 times more vitamin C than an orange. Most Camu Camu sold on the market today is sold as camu camu powder in bags, or in capsules or tablets. 20 percent of camu camu powder is actual vitamin C. If you have 500 mg of camu camu powder in a capsule - you are only getting 100 mg of Vitamin C. If there are 60 capsules in a bottle, then the total amount of Vitamin C you would get in that bottle is 6,000 mg. Often these bottles are sold at around eighteen to twenty dollars a bottle. Each of the RHP camu camu vitamin C tablets contains 200 mg of actual vitamin C. Each tablet contains 1,000mg of camu camu powder. Our bottle has 120 tablets. The total amount of vitamin C you get in our bottle is 24,000 mg. RevitaHealth Vitamin C from camu camu is a whole food extract which contains bioflavonoids, protein and all the other food factors that enables the body to absorb, retain and utilize this vitamin C much more efficiently. Get your real food Vitamin C from camu camu Vitamin C
Metabolic Boost – Targeted Nutrition at a Cellular Level (it includes Probiotics) Why is improving your metabolism important? Metabolism is a generic word for EVERY chemical process in your body from energy production to cellular reproduction and fighting off disease. If you have high blood pressure, high blood glucose, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, excess weight around the waist you have a metabolic disorder – an imbalance or deficiency – that negatively affects the way your body functions. This also means you have an increased risk of a serious health condition if you have 3 or more factors this is commonly referred to as Metabolic Syndrome and your risk increases even more. You are not alone. Metabolic Syndrome is increasingly common and up to 30% of U.S. adults have it and about 44% of people over 50 years of age are affected by it. Every 5 seconds someone is diagnosed with a condition caused by metabolic disorder and every 10 seconds somebody dies from a metabolic health issue. It is one of the most important health challenges we currently face. Metabolic Boost is a new generation of adaptogenic (an agent that support one’s energy and ability to better handle stress). Metabolic Boost is a plant-based formula with ingredients that support processes within the cells but also help to control them, thereby creating a healthy metabolic system for a healthy body. Metabolic Boost can provide these benefits:
“I’ve had a lot of digestive issues. and frequent hunger at inopportune times. With only one teaspoon of Metabolic Boost in my smoothie at lunch I don’t have any hunger between lunch and dinner. I also found that Metabolic Boost helps with my problem of waking up a lot at night. Apparently, my sleep issue is related to metabolism. I love this product! ” - Anne H., Florida Metabolic Boost is a powder formula that makes a pleasant-tasting drink. It’s an easy, convenient way to provide your body with the comprehensive nutrition it needs to function at its best. All of Metabolic Boost’s ingredients have been extensively and clinically studied by independent research institutions with results published in medical and scientific publications. Many research studies conducted on the ingredients contained in Metabolic Boost can be found on Omega 3, Turmeric (Curcumin), Ashwagandha, Milk Thistle, Banaba, Choline, Probiotics, and PQQ are just a few of the natural, potent ingredients in this proprietary formula. Among the many ingredients in this formula providing superior health support is an extra special one, natural PQQ, pyrroloquinoline quinone. PQQ helps cells work more efficiently and produce more energy thereby helping the body have more energy. “Successfully losing weight with Metabolic Boost – As a menopausal woman, my metabolism is not what it used to be. For more than two years I would start each morning with a good breakfast without carbs, but by 10:30 AM I would start having craving and have to eat or my energy would crash. After lunch, I would take a nap for an hour. I would eat an appropriate dinner, but the cravings for snacks at night was impossible to resist. Metabolic Boost is a proprietary formula exclusive to Qgenics. At the core of this exclusive formulation is Cellinfusion™ Technology which increases absorption 3.4 times to provide maximum bioavailability and potency of the nutrients at the cellular level to achieve results. MCVitamins will work with you on an individual-by-individual basis to help you get the results you seek. And don’t be surprised if we contact you so we can check up on how you’re doing and to see if we can help you to get things moving faster! Do you want a Healthier Metabolism?
To Your Health Nerve Damage - Why R-Alpha Lipoic and Acetyl L-Carnitine? If you have nerve damage, R-Alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-carnitine are two key supplements that you should add to your daily routine. Evidence indicates that alpha lipoic acid has an ability to kill free-radicals which may help provide added nutritional support to people who have nerve damage in the arms and legs, such as: Alpha lipioc acid comes in two forms. R and S. Alpha lipoic acid is a combination of these two forms. Most supplements have alpha lipoic acid with both forms, not just the R form. The R form of alpha lipoic acid is the form normally found in the body. Studies indicate the R-alpha lipoic acid form appears to be better absorbed than the combination of R and S alpha lipoic acid. The Nerve & Energy Booster is a nutritional supplement which contains acetyl L-carnitine and R-alpha lipoic acid (the better, more absorbable form of R-alpha lipoic acid). Find out more and order the Nerve & Energy Booster Or you can call us at (888) 758-5590 or (818) 252-1038 If you have questions, you can always call or email. We're here to help you get the results you want.