Your Newsletter for Health
1. Do your Nerves Need Vitamin C?
with us - Facebook Twitter Google+ Do your Nerves Need Vitamin C? Sorbitol (a form of sugar) travels to certain parts of the body where it builds up. These parts of the body are the lens of the eye where it forms a white milky film called cataracts, and the sciatic nerve (the big nerve that runs down your leg) where it can cause nerve damage (nerve pain). Evidence indicates that taking 2,000 mg a day of vitamin C may reduce the production of sorbitol and help strip sorbitol out of the body. The human body does not manufacture the vitamin C it needs. The only way you can acquire the vitamin C you need is through your diet and/or supplementation. Most of the vitamin C sold in the US is ascorbic acid by itself. That is like wanting an egg and getting the shelll. The RHP Vitamin C contains only organic camu camu extract, a real food source of vitamin C, that is highly bioavailable because it literally is a food! It is vitamin C in a whole food extract which contains bioflavonoids, protein and all the other food factors that enables the body to absorb, retain and utilize this vitamin C much more efficiently. Find out more and order the RHP Vitamin C
What is the difference between Natural and Synthetic B1?
You hear this a lot, I take vitamins that I've bought in my local pharmacy. What you need to know is are those vitamins synthetic of natural. Synthetic vitamins are not used well by the body as it is not recognized as food.
Here is a educational video about the Difference between natural and synthetic B1
Nerve Damage, You need More than an Antioxidant In the last several years, the number of articles written about neuropathy has grown and with this number the different "natural" remedies have grown. A lot of talk about what herb to take is predictable. Herbs are used as medicines way before the pharmaceutical companies started creating laboratory drugs (petrochemicals) to address the symptoms of disease. And like the drugs, they will cover up the symptoms of disease. They don’t particularly address the problem, but make your feel better. They like the drugs can have side effects, and interactions.
Taking away the herbs and drugs, what is the prevalent natural solution to neuropathy. It is anti-oxidants. Some proponents have latched onto the circulation problems of diabetics to propose that it is all circulation and all you have to do is somehow increase the blood flow and the neuropathy will go away.
Yes, anti-oxidants will help. In fact, the combination of alpha lipoic acid and acetyl l-carnitine will help the restore nerve health which is neuropathy as it increases the body’s ability to produce energy in the cells.
But don’t let the confusions about neuropathy confuse you. In order to address an unhealthy nerve the body needs nutrients. The body needs to build healthy nerves.
In order to function and repair itself the body needs not only protein carbohydrates and fats, but it needs enzymes, vitamins and minerals. It needs them to build healthy cells from as early as conception.
And the right nutrients are especially important when the body needs to replace injured or damaged cells. If it isn’t getting the right tools it can’t do that.
In order to build healthy nerve cells, the body needs B vitamins. B vitamins nourish the nerve cells. It addresses the unhealthy nerves and lets the nerves go about their job of communicating.
The right tools for Building Healthy Nerves
Once Your Teeth are Decayed, do you have to have them drilled and filled? We've all been told that drilling out decay and filling it with a foreign substance (foreign to the body) is the only way to help cavities.
Is this true? Can decay be reversed?
It turns out that in the early 1900s, a dentist named Weston Price traveled around the world visiting different cultures and looking at the state of their teeth and what their diet was.
How come I was never told about this? Here are some references to this work and what the body needs for healthy teeth? Dental Health & Dental Care
To Your Health Need Help Sleeping? Sometimes the sensation (burning, coldness, numbness, tingling or pain) from your nerves can keep you up at night. If you are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, there is a safe and effective way to help your body get the sleep you need on a daily basis. The Sleep Support Formula is specifically designed to support physical relaxation and calmness, to help you get a restful night's sleep, and it can be safely used as often as needed. Find out more and order your bottle of Sleep Support Formula Note: You can now get as many as 6 bottles on the site and start saving with 3 or more bottles. Or you can call me at (888) 758-5590 or (818) 252-1038 If you need any assistance or have any questions, please call or email us