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US Health Crisis
In 2017 to 2018, only 6.8% of U.S. adults had optimal cardiometabolic health, which means more than 93% of U.S. adults are metabolically unfit The basics to restoring metabolic health are to use time-restricted eating, avoid processed foods and get daily sun exposure Time-restricted eating involves limiting your eating window to a set number of hours during the day; I recommend getting down to a six- to eight-hour eating window with stopping all eating at least three hours before bed A landmark study came out in July 2022, showing that as of 2018, only 6.8% of U.S. adults had optimal cardiometabolic health.1 What this means is that more than 93% of U.S. adults are metabolically unfit, and the actual percentage is probably over 95%, as we don't have the 2022 data yet — but do know that cardiometabolic health in the U.S. is “poor and worsening.”2 Time-Restricted Eating Is the Secret Time-restricted eating (TRE) involves limiting your eating window to a set number of hours during the day. I recommend getting down to at least a six- to eight-hour eating window — and ensuring that you stop eating at least three hours before bed. Most people reading this can benefit from embracing TRE, with the exceptions being if you’re underweight or pregnant. When you’re metabolically unfit, your body primarily relies on glucose, or sugar, as fuel, instead of using fat as a primary fuel. Even though the fat is there in abundance, your body doesn't have the metabolic capacity to access it. For most people, surplus fuel stored in your body is stored in the form of fat. However, no one has more than about two days’ worth of glucose in the form of glycogen, stored in their tissues in their liver and muscles. This is why, when you first start fasting, and you’re unable to access your fat stores, you’ll quickly exhaust your glycogen stores and can experience low blood sugar. Your body has the ability to make glucose in your liver (gluconeogenesis), but that process takes a while to ramp up and, as a result, most people get relatively hypoglycemic when they first start fasting. You may experience dizziness and fatigue as a result, which are signs that you're not metabolically flexible. If you were, your body would have more than enough capacity to produce all the fuel you need to keep your brain happy and healthy. If you’re obese, you can typically safely go on three-, five- or even seven-day water fasts. Many experts are predicting upcoming food shortages and economic collapse come fall, and I wanted to reassure people that most who fall in this category could probably not eat for months, some people for up to a year, if they're grossly overweight, and they would be significantly healthier for it. Again, fasting isn’t recommended for people who are underweight, pregnant or breastfeeding. You also need to use caution if you’re taking certain medications, such as those for blood pressure or blood sugar. Interestingly, when you're metabolically inflexible and unable to use fat for fuel, your body generates a molecule called acetyl-CoA when it’s breaking down fats — and that happens to be one of the cofactors for your body making melatonin. So when you're metabolically inflexible, your body produces far less melatonin — a potent anticancer agent — in the mitochondria where you need it, because that's where almost all the damage that causes cancer is caused — due to oxidative stress from the process of generating energy within the mitochondria.8 What to Avoid Eating to Protect Your Health Examples of seed oils high in omega-6 PUFAs include soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, rapeseed (canola), corn and safflower.10 Omega-6 is considered to be proinflammatory because of the most common variety, linoleic acid (LA), which will radically increase oxidative stress and cause mitochondrial dysfunction.11 In order to avoid LA, you’ll need to avoid eating processed foods and focus on real food instead. If you eat real food and use TRE, your body will become healthier because it’s designed to do this if you provide it with what it needs. If you don’t follow these ancestral guidelines to good health, it predisposes you to disease. Now, if you eat real food, use TRE and get about one hour of daily sun exposure, that’s going to reduce your risk of 90% to 95% of chronic diseases. If you want to get more advanced, you can add in sauna usage, which helps you eliminate toxins and activates beneficial heat shock proteins that refold your proteins to prevent diseases like dementia. The wavelengths from a near infrared sauna, which heats your body the most effectively, actually penetrate your skin about 3 to 4 inches and get into your mitochondria, causing your mitochondria to make melatonin. About 95% of the melatonin in your body is made in the mitochondria, and near infrared saunas are the only type that have this added benefit of also increasing melatonin. Fine-Tuning Your Healthy Lifestyle Foods like watermelon, apples and blueberries can help you add nutrient-rich carbohydrates to your diet. Many people also wonder about coffee, which can be consumed outside of your eating window because it has almost no calories. The coffee should be organic, black and mycotoxin-free. As for alcohol, it will break your fast if you consume it outside of your eating window. Small amounts may be OK to consume inside of your eating window, but it may impair your sleep if you consume it too close to bedtime, and be aware that wine is a source of the toxic chemical glyphosate. Ideally, I believe alcohol is better off avoided. Finally, one additional compound that should be added to your emergency medical kit is hydrogen peroxide and a nebulizer. Like methylene blue and melatonin, nebulized hydrogen peroxide is something you’ll want to have on hand for immediate use when you need it. I use nebulized hydrogen peroxide most mornings, but if you start feeling sick, you can use it every few hours, or more, to ward off illness. If you get these basics down — time-restricted eating, avoiding processed foods and LA, and getting daily sun exposure — you can significantly reduce your risk of becoming chronically ill, and even join the 6.8% of Americans who have been able to maintain good cardiometabolic health. Mercola Health Newsletter Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice. We have found a formula MetabolicBoost that can help your metabolism, etc. Read MetabolicBoost
A Pizza Skillet Recipe (by Dr. Berg - Keto Friendly) The keto diet is very effective for weight loss and improving mental clarity and focus. But sometimes, people on this diet start craving some specific foods like pizza. Let's be honest—pizza is delicious. It's hard to resist taking a bite of a hot, cheesy pizza when you see it. But, it's full of carbs and doesn't fit into the keto diet. So, what can you do? Not only does this crustless pizza recipe satisfy even the biggest pizza cravings, but it will also make keto a delicious breeze! Get the recipe and enjoy all the flavors of traditional pizza without worrying about too many carbs or gluten!
A Pinched Nerve? I used to hear this - its a pinched nerve but what is it and what to do about it? Pinched Nerve or Compression of a Nerve and Nerve Damage (Neuropathy) When there is pressure on various parts of the body either from a bone being out of place, or pressure from repetitive actions, etc. a nerve can get compressed. Another term used for a compressed nerve is a pinched nerve. This is one of the reasons that surgeries can cause compression of a nerve and nerve damage, the body is sometimes held in an unnatural position for long periods of time, even for several hours. Nerve compression injury following surgery is common. The nerves that are the most vulnerable to this compression are those that travel through narrow spaces that do not have a lot of soft tissue to protect them. These spaces are where the nerves go through ligaments, tendons or bone. The area effected all depends on the nerve that is compressed. This compression can result in injury to the nerve directly or indirectly by restricting the supply of oxygen to the nerve. Damage to a nerve results in the inability of that nerve to transmit impulses. As with any nerve damage, the inability of these nerve impulses can result in the symptoms associated with this damage which is called neuropathy. If a sensory nerve is injured, incorrect messages can be sent to the brain giving the feeling that a body part is hot, cold, or that there is pain when there is no reason for the pain. If a motor nerve is injured, it can result in weakness in a muscle as well as lack of coordination because the orders from brain to the muscle are impeded by the damage. What can you do about it? See Nerve Damage from Compression
Gum Disease, Bleeding Gums, Gingivitis & Treatments It’s called Gingivitis Gingivitis is characterized by gum redness, changes in the gum, and bleeding. It is essentially painless. It is created when plague (sticky deposits of bacteria, mucus and food particles) adheres to the teeth, hardens and irritates the gum. The accumulation of this plaque causes the gums to become infected and swollen. As the gums swell, pockets form between the gums and the teeth and act as a trap for more plague. Irritated gums bleed and eventually start to recede. This irritation can be fought by introducing Vitamin C which fights the formation of plaque. What to do about gum disease problems Gum problems need to be addressed before they get worse and become periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can create loose teeth and a lot of health problems. This is due to the bacteria that comes along with too much plague. The key dietary recommendation on gum problems is to avoid sugar. Sugar is known to significantly increase plaque accumulation by depleting Vitamin C. Sugar destroys vitamin C. Phase-out soft drinks. Canned soda contains excess phosphorus, a mineral that could lead to the leaching of calcium from your bones. Calcium is first robbed not from your hips or spine but from your jaw leading to tooth loss. Deficiencies of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, calcium, folate (B9), or niacin is related and can make it worse Anything that improves health overall and the body’s ability to build health will affect the mouth positively. Did you know Bleeding Gums are Associated with your Hormones? They most often occur with: Menstruation People with hormone issues often have dental health issues. People with gum disease will suffer from digestive issues. Slow loss of children’s first teeth can be a sign for example of hypothyroidism. And when your digestive system isn’t working well, look at that persons immune system. In pregnancy, we see the gut microbe change to one that is more characteristic of a type II diabetic patient. That’s because microbes balance hormones, the immune system, and nutrient stores to help make a healthy baby! See our Site Index for more information about these health issues. Helpful Nutrition Fresh fruits, and vegetables, and fiber should be the mainstay of the menu. Vegetables & fruits enhance enzyme function. Fermented dairy products, such as yogurt help maintain intestinal health. Calcium is gotten from food. Calcium is easier for the body to digest via vegetables. Vitamin C is one nutrient that has a very positive effect on the mouth. Vitamin C is vital for the production of collagen, the basic protein building block for the fibrous framework of all the tissues, including gums. Vitamin C strengthens weak gum tissue and makes the gum lining more resistant to penetration by bacteria. A good form of Vitamin C that is easy for the body to use as it is whole food nutrition. This Dr. Berg’s Vitamin C should be taken per directions or twice the recommended for gum problems. For more info (This really is a different type of C) Calcium is needed to restore any deficiencies which can result in periodontal disease. Periodontal disease and gum disorders are forms of osteoporosis of the mouth. It is essential to stop using or consuming items that cause calcium to become deficient and or toxic. This includes products such as ice cream, fruit yogurt, tea, cigarettes, and aluminum. Recommended Natural Program Treatment for Gum problems: Natural Toothpaste The Pro Dental 7 liquid is easy to apply and takes up only two minutes of your day (it can be worked in to your normal tooth-brushing routine). There is a 100% satisfaction money back guarantee. So you can try it out and see the results for yourself. The creator of Pro Dental 7 says this: I started researching countless books and websites when one day I came across an important document I found in an old medical journal; it explained how certain plant extracts could completely kill multiple strains of bacteria in the mouth, in under 30 seconds… I excitedly ordered all the extracts andimmediately began my experiments! After about 5-6 weeks of formulating different solutions, I’d finished, I’d created an extremely powerful solution that would potentially kill the all harmful bacteria and penetrate deep down inside the gum tissue… I also made sure the solution wasn’t water soluble (unlike all the other products I’d tried in the past) so it wouldn’t wash away! I brushed my teeth with the new solution and ‘WOW’ my entire mouth felt great; after just 2 weeks of use I was amazed; my gum infection had cleared up nicely … But that’s when I noticed something else had happened, something quite special; my teeth were gleaming white, my bad breath was gone, and my gums looked healthy. Testimonials “I never get bad breath anymore, my gums no longer bleed when I brush them and they are now pink and healthy” — Anne. S “Guess what? I don’t need to see the hygienist. The dentist said that my mouth seems to have had a miraculous recovery” — Rose “I no more have bad breath; gum bleeding has reduced drastically in just 3 days. In short, it is working great” — G, US Feedback. I have been using it for 1month plus and yesterday visited a dentist. First time I am told gum looks good! And healthy!! Thank you so much I was worried I am going lose my tooth soon. Good job! -Kind regards –Vasuke Singapore’ I am so impressed with Dental Pro 7 that I sent it to my three children for their birthdays. I use it every night before bed and the two teeth that bothered me for the past year are not bothering me anymore. –J.S. The Active ingredients in one bottle of Dental Pro 7 is estimated at over 700% more concentrated than the leading antibacterial dental gel. STRONG MINTY FLAVOR. The price of Dental Pro 7 for a 2 month supply for $59.97 + $5 shipping Yes a professional dental solution for under $60… you probably can’t even get a dentist to ‘look’ at your teeth for that price. Each bottle is 10 ml. The cost also includes any assistance you might need to ensure that you get the best possible results. (Please tell me if you want to try the formula so I can make sure I keep in touch and assist you). And it’s really not expensive if you realize how long it lasts and how it handles the problem. I’d much rather use this as a dental solution and not have to have my teeth “professionally cleaned” every six months. We Ship to: the USA, Canada, Australia, Asia, South Africa and New Zealand. Sorry we don’t accept orders from Europe. Want to Know More? Go to Dental Pro 7 Are you in the UK or EU? Go to DP7
To Your Health
If you have any questions about our Nerve Support Formula, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590 (US & Canada) or (818) 252-1038. We want to make sure you get the results you are looking for.