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1. Improving Metabolism - Introducing Purelife Care+
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Boost Metabolism - Introducing Purelife Care+ What makes Purelife Care+ Different from other Supplements? Have you ever found a supplement that you felt was going to improve your health, or help your health challenge and found it didn’t work? But the ingredients seem so right for this problem? Unfortunately, many supplements do not provide the hoped-for nutritional benefits because the ingredients never make it to the cells where the nutrition is needed to improve health. The effectiveness of natural nutrition depends on how quickly and efficiently the nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream and how easily the nutritional elements can pass across every cell membrane, access target sites within the cells, be absorbed, and interact with all the relevant enzymes and other cellular components to create their health enhancing abilities. Purelife Care+, the result of 27 years of research, offers the solution to this problem because it contains ERDS™, which are natural ingredients that enhance absorption of the important nutrition by the cells. ERDS improves the amount of absorption of nutrients by 300% and the speed of absorption by 500% so the needed nutrition reaches the cells and you get the results you want. It contains special, natural ingredients that help to support good overall health. It can be helpful to consume these ingredients all in one supplement and PureLife Care+ has them all together. You can learn more and Order at PureLife Care+ Questions? Email Us
New findings on Post Long Haul Symptoms NEW FINDINGS ON THE REASONS FOR PERSISENT SYMPTOMS What can you do when you continue to have symptoms after an infection? When you continue to have symptoms after a virus, it is known as a post-viral syndrome. This happens because of three reasons: • Viruses crease major oxidative stress in the body Viral infections cause free radicle damage that can take a long time to recover from—especially if you do not have a large antioxidant reserve. Infections also deplete vitamins and minerals, which can cause chronic fatigue and other symptoms related to nutrient deficiencies. Nutrients act as antioxidants. These symptoms are: • Muscle fatigue/pain Research being currently done shows the following: Your liver is under a lot of stress, and you may even have a non-alcoholic fatty liver before you got ill. The liver is the body’s filtration system. It filters out microbes, drugs and dead cells from the body as an immune function. Every hormone, chemical, bacteria, virus, fungus and parasite is filtered through the liver. The liver is like an oil filter in your car. Read more in About the liver With the normal environmental stresses – pollution, chemicals in your food and mental and physical stress – your liver also had to deal with the virus, the medications given, the spike protein, and possibly a vaccine. That is a lot to handle. You thus need to address the liver. Viruses create major oxidative stress in the body. • Inflammation • The infection itself Viral infections cause free radical damage that can take a long time to recover from—especially if you do not have a large antioxidant reserve. Infections also deplete vitamins and minerals, which can cause chronic fatigue and other symptoms related to nutrient deficiencies. Nutrients act as antioxidants. PureLife Care+ – A formula for what your body needs for liver health.
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Toxins hiding in your "sunscreen" - How not to be Fooled by "Greenwashing" by “Greenwashing”: What It Is and How to Avoid It Have you ever felt tricked by “greenwashing” without even realizing it? Greenwashing is essentially a deceptive practice that runs rampant among food, supplement, and cosmetics manufacturers to make their products look and sound healthier and more eco-friendly than they actually are. Yet, what you’re seeing is little more than marketing trickery—and it’s especially common with today’s cosmetics and personal care products. Essentially, when you stroll down the skincare aisle looking for those magic words, like “paraben-free,” “natural,” and “organic” on a product label, you may think you’ve hit the jackpot of clean beauty. But when you flip those packages over, you’re likely to find a laundry list of synthetic ingredients lurking beneath the surface, including fragrances, sodium laurel sulfate, polyethylene glycol (JPEGs), and many others. That’s greenwashing. What makes this practice especially concerning is the fact that the average woman uses nine different personal care products daily, exposing herself to a cocktail of up to 126 different chemicals. Some of these include endocrine disrupters, neurotoxins, and even potential carcinogens. Since your skin literally “drinks in” whatever you put on it, avoiding questionable chemicals is extremely important. A better way to protect yourself against greenwashing is to scan actual ingredient labels. You especially want to look for the 10 worst-of-the-worst offending ingredients—such as alpha and beta hydroxy acids, PFA’s, and PEG’s—which you can commonly find on many big brand and “poser organic” skin products. Plus, you want to be wary of products that use terms like “organic” or “wild-crafted” to give the impression of safety and purity, when in fact only a few ingredients are organic and safe. In fact, seeing this seal on a product label is the only way to know a product in the US is truly organic and it's the best way to ensure a product is safe. Read also Deceptive Labels STILL HAVE QUESTIONS? EMAIL AND GET YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED
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