MCVitamins News

Your Newsletter for Health


1. How Sugar Substitutes Confuse Your Body
2. A Diet for Dental Health
3. Neuropathy that is Caused by Trauma
4. Weight Loss is Not Natural


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"We need to shift our focus from treating disease to generating health..." Hippocrates (AMA"The Father of Medicine")

We agree - if you put your attention on disease, fighting disease, avoiding disease,  you'll get disease, put your attention on building health.



How Sugar Substitutes Confuse Your Body


Research shows that aspartame worsens insulin sensitivity to a greater degree than sugar

Artificial sweeteners promote weight gain by tricking your body into thinking it will receive sugar (calories); when the sugar doesn’t arrive, carb cravings can result

Artificial sweeteners likely also cause weight gain by disrupting your intestinal microflora, thereby raising your risk of both obesity and diabetes


Read full article Sugar Substitutes




A Diet for Dental Health


Eat for your health, not for your taste buds.   We've put together the recommendations for building healthy gums and teeth.  


See article Dental Diet




Neuropathy that is Caused by Trauma

A very common cause of nerve damage is trauma to the body.  There are many ways that trauma can occur - car accident, fall, etc. etc.  This cause  is gone over in this article.

Read:  Neuropathy Cased by Trauma




Weight Loss is Not Natural - Dr. Eric Berg


Why People can't lose weight and why it's not natural.   The reason, goes against the basic purpose of the body which is to survive.  What does that mean?  You want to lose fat?  


See video Weight Loss







To Your Health






Pain Relief - A Quick Spray, A Quick Relief


We have a product called the RHP Pain Relief Formula that can help reduce pain.

Now you can relieve pain safely and effectively, without having to use habit-forming pain medications or over-the-counter drugs.

Here is what one of our customers had to say about using it:


"I have been using the Pain Relief Formula on several aches and pains that I have from time to time. I had a fall early in the year where I hurt my wrist, and when the aching returns, a spray on each area, and within minutes, no pain!

"Absolutely fabulous! I recommend this product to anyone suffering aches and pains that are annoying and painful. A quick spray, a quick relief!"

From Julie Osgood in Australia


The RHP Pain Relief Formula is a topical spray applied to the outside of the body. With two or three sprays most people see a reduction or complete elimination of their pain within ten to fifteen minutes.

To order the RHP Pain Relief Formula you can use this secure link:

If you have any questions, please email or call me at (888) 758-5590