MCVitamins News

Your Newsletter for Health


1. Suicide Rate Among Veterans - Why? 
2. Probiotics - what should you take.
3. Fermented Foods - Probiotics
4. Healthy Diet 'Promising Target' to Prevent Cognitive Decline
5. Dental Health 


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Suicide Rate Among Veterans - Why? 

Doug Kaufman of "Know the Cause"  talks about the reasons behind the suicide rate you hear about.
This is Part 1 of a 2 Part Series. 

Veterans After they Come Home




Probiotics - what should you take.


All the information about Probiotics makes sense, but which one are you going to take.  Dr. Ben Kim makes a convincing pitch for Dr.Ohira's.   I had never thought about this and now wanted to pass it on. 


Read:  Dr. Ohira's  Probiotics 




Dr. Axe talks About Fermented Foods - Probiotics


There is also the route of getting probiotics via food.   Dr. Axe talks about this 

Fermented Foods 




Healthy Diet 'Promising Target' to Prevent Cognitive Decline


We had to include this article.  Do you think its about time that the medical profession realized that a lot of their "diseases" comes from faulty diet and nutritional deficiencies.  Can you live on pizza, soda and all the processed foods and really expect good health? 


Cognitive Decline & Diet




Dental Health


Yes, the type of food you eat can effect your teeth and build healthy teeth and gums.  Here is an article about Rebuilding a Health Mouth.






To Your Health






Nerve Support Success - A Major Change to My Life


It's very rewarding to be able to help people like you who want to build healthy nerves. Healthy nerves don't tingle, go numb or have pain in fingers, toes, hands or feet.

I receive success stories from our customers every week. I'm interested in hearing about your success with the Nerve Support Formula as well.

Here are some of the more recent stories from our customers:


"I am doing just fine. I can tell my nerves are healthy as I am experiencing very little if any symptoms and discomfort. When necessary, I just up my daily intake by one or two capsules for a few days. Your product definitely made a major change to my life!"

From Willem Grobbelaar in South Africa


"All is going well. My nerves are healthier and my feet and toes feel more normal! I hope reading about my success will be helpful to someone! Thank you."

From Kathy Vass in Utah


"I agree, healthy nerves should NOT tingle, pain, etc.

"I must admit, I am feeling better relief in my hands, I can type better using the fingers again. Would you believe that I used to type 102 words a minute and I have been reduced over the years to hunt and peck? Thanks for your concern."

From Addie Yarbrough in Texas


The RHP Nerve Support Formula is a nutritional supplement that is specifically formulated to help build healthy nerves for anyone, including those with neuropathy, and it works extremely well.

To learn more and to order the RHP Nerve Support Formula:

If you have any questions or need help with getting the results that you want, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590