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Your Newsletter for Good Health 
from your Nutritional Education Site

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1. Surprising Finding with Fibromyalgia
2. Don't Feed Your Child Cheerios
3. The Nerve Cell & the Nervous System - What is a Healthy Nerve?
4. Mold-related illness: Hysteria or menace?



1. Nutritional Support for People with High Blood Pressure
Guide to Holistic Dentistry
How to Fix a Broken Metabolism
4. Neuropathy - what is it?  What can be done? 


1-16-2017 1. Auditory Neuropathy, What is it?
2. The Stubborn Weight Issue - Hormones
3. Critical Information on Sinusitis and Mold Related Disease
4. Dental Health & Dental Care

1-23-2017 1. Is Your Favorite Condiment Making You Sick? by Suzy Cohen, R.Ph.
2. Sensory Neuropathy or Nerve Pain, what is it.
3. Nutritional Support for Nerve Pain
4. We Really Like this Natural Remedy - Dental Review

1-30-2017 1. You Pay the Price if Your Doctor Misdiagnoses You by Suzy Cohen, RPh
2. Diagnosing Nutritional Deficiencies Through the Eyes
3. Focal neuropathy, what is it?
4. Your Dental Health

2-6-2017 1. Causes of Hair Growth Problems and a Remedy
2. Are you confused about what you’ve been told about Neuropathy?
3. 15 Health Benefits of Kale – And 8 Delicious Kale Recipes
4. Benefits of B Vitamins

2-13-2017 1. Are Your Worth Your Salt? What type of salt do you need?
2. What does it mean when your blood test shows High B12 Levels?
3. What is really behind a Sluggish Thyroid Problem
4. High Blood Pressure?

2-20-2017 1. Real Energy Drink - A Fantastic Resource for Extra Energy
2. Real Cause of Depression and what can be done
3. Neuropathy (nerve damage) Caused by Trauma
4. Bleeding Gums and Gum Disease

2-27-2017 1. Buying Less Expensive Supplements – Is It Worth It?
2. Bloating, Indigestion, Constipation, & Acid Reflux
Is there any difference between Diabetic Neuropathy and other forms of Neuropathy?
4. The Truth About Natural Vitamin E (as opposed to other kinds)
by Suzy Cohen, RPh.


1. 7 Foods You Must Never Eat
2. Does Gluten Cause Neuropathy?
3. Does Sitting for Long Periods of Time Harm Your Health
4. What is Inflammation?


3-13-2017 1. Electorlytes - the Amazing Minerals
2. Do you like your RHP Vitamins - now you can get a discount
3. Are Eggs Bad for You?
4. The Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar


1. Hair Formula - For Hair, Nails and Skin
2. What is a Ketogenic Diet and Are you Concerned About Adding Fat to Your Diet? 
3. Mold and Oncology: An Article Explores the Claim that Mold Mycotoxins Can Trigger Cancer
4. Motor Nerve Damage and your Muscle Weakness and Balance



1. 10 Popular Foods that Drain Energy and Add Extra Pounds 
2. New Hope for Late Stage Cancer Patients
3. Muscle Cramps and the Need for Electrolytes
4. Addressing Your Neuropathy, What Can You Do?


4-3-2017 1. Confused About What to Take for Neuropathy Relief?
2. How Cruciferous Vegetables Detoxify
3. Gardasil: A Mother's Lament & Every Vaccine Produces Harm
4. What to do about Tooth Decay,  Receeding Gums, Bleeding Gums


1. Are you confused about what you’ve been told about Neuropathy?
2. Medical Guidelines for High Cholesterol - About Cholesterol Lowering Drugs 
3. Are Pre-packaged Low Carb Foods Really Low Carb? 
4. Diabetic Health



4-18-17 1. Key Nutrients that Prevent Hair Loss
Non-Drug Solutions for Depression by Dr. Mercola
3. Fungus Infection Mistaken for Cancer
4. Think Differently About Treating Neuropathy Pain (or any pain)




1. Tinnitus, what causes it and some suggestions
2. Electrolytes, Why They Are Important To Your Health
3. Phytoceuticals - What They Do for Your Health 
What is Idiopathic Neuropathy?



5-2-17 1. Never Eat These 18 Foods During Allergy Season
2. Advanced Pain Relief Cream by Real Heatlh Products (RHP)
3. The 7 Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet
Toxins & Food that Can Cause or at Least Contribute to Neuropathy (Nerve Damage)




1. Eye Health
2. Psoriasis - what can be done
3. Relief from Menstrual Cramps
Neuropathy caused by Compression of the Nerve



5-16-17 1. 15 symptoms of toxic overload by Suzy Cohen, RPH. 
2. Supplement for Anti-Aging
3. Do You Have a Protein Deficiency, why is Protein So Important 
4. Toxins that Cause Neuropathy - Nerve Damage 



5-23-17 1. How to Lose Cellulite
2. Inconveniet Truth: Buried Saturated Fat Research 
Neuralgia or Nerve Pain, find out more about it 
4. Artificially Sweetened Drinks Increase Risk of Stroke and Dementia



5-30-17 1. High Blood Pressure? 
2. Use Intermittent Fasting for Serious Weight Loss
3. Medications with Side Effects of Neuropathy
4. A Solution to Bleeding Gums, Recedng Gums and Periodontal Problems.

1. PhytoZon - Health at A Cellular Level
 Are You Confused about what you've been told about Neuropathy? 
3. The Diet for Dental Health or What to Eat for a Healthier Mouth
4. Bad Cholesterol (LDL) Is NOT Bad!


1. Nutritional Support for Nerve Pain
2. What to Eat for Your Body Type
3. Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
4. Detoxification and the Liver




1.Flouride, is it good for your teeth, or your health?  
2. 5 Benefits of Collagen
3. Shingles, and postherpetic Neuralgia (nerve damage) and what can be done for relief
4. PhytoZon and Other Good Products
6-27-17 1. Heart Health, Information You Need to Know 
2. Take a Quiz: Am I doing everything I can to daily help my neuropathy?
3. Adrenal Fatigue Advanced Formula - what does it adderess?
4. Seasonal Allergies? Top 3 Go to Suppleents for Allergy Relief
7-4-17 1. Handle the Bacteria for Healthy Gums & Teeth
2. How Much Protein is Too Much in a Ketogenic Diet. 
3. Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Parents and Pediatriians Need to Be Aware Of. 
4. Nutritional Support for Nerve Pain
7-11-17 1. Dr. Berg discusses the difference between metal minerals (in our food) and plant based minerals
2. New - The Advanced Pain Relief Cream
3. Inability to Burn Fat for Fuel is the Root Cause of Most Degenerative Conditions
4. Natural Remedies for Lyme Disease
7-18-17 1. Will This Allow the Body to Repair a Tooth?
2. Vitamins, Not Drugs 
3. What do I eat now? How to journey to a Healthy Diet
Publication Bias - Medical Research 
- A Flaw in Scientific basis of Medicine.

1. Are you Getting enough Vitamin C to Protect your body from illness and disease?
2. What Are the Possible Statin Drug Side Effects? 
Butter or Margarine. Which is Better
4. Do you Feel Dizzy When Standing?


1. Butter, Steak and Coconut Oil Aren't Likely to Kill You
2. Eggs, good or bad?
3. Taking Mold Off of the Table?
4. Neuropathy, why the pain, the tigling and the numbness?

8-8-17 1. An Alkalizing Cocktail for the Summer
2. The Myth about Blood Sugars and Diabetes, part 1 - What is Diabetes? By Dr. Eric Berg, D.C.
3. The Science Behind Using Supplements for nerve damage.
4. Energy Drinks?  Are they good for you? 
8-15-17 1. Our Health Blog
2. Another Health Myth - Synthetic Vitamins will make you Healthy
3. Protect Yourself from a “Food” Ingredient
That Causes Nerve Damage
4. What is Vascular Calcification?
8-22-17 1. What are the Ingredients for a Good Heart Health Supplement?
2. Exciting News - NEW Blood Pressure Product
3. Every Diabetic Should Be Taking this Nutrient
4. Fighting Bacteria in Your Teeth and Gums
8-29-17 1.What Causes Bruising without Trauma
2.The CDC says... "Think Fungus"
3. What is McVitamins.com?
Top Nutrient-Dense Foods and their Benefits
9-5-17 1. Neuropathy: the Sugar Connection by Nutritional Weight & Wellness Staff
2. The Poison in Thousands of Processed Foods
3. How to Save Time When Trying to Lose Weight
What can Vitamin C do for Your Nerves?
9-12-17 1. Unexplained Neurological Symptoms? Can Be Caused by Mold
2.The Health Risks of Natural Sweeteners
3. What is really Needed for Nerves that Don't hurt
4. Aspirin Alternatives
9-19-17 1. Opioid Use and Abuse - The Opioid Epidemic
2. 5 Signs of Nutrient Deficiencies That Are Written All Over Your Face
3. Statins Trivial Benefit at a Great Cost 
4. Types of Neuropathy? What to do?
9-26-17 1. New Book by Dr. Eric Berg - "Body Type Guide"
What are nutritional deficiencies and what do they do to your health?
3. Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness
4. Physician's find American's Taking Too Much Medication
10-3-17 1. New Study: Antidepressants Raise Your Risk of Early Death by 33%
2. Struggling with Stubborn Belly Fat?

3. 7 "Essentials"  to Relief from Mold in Your Home
Medications with Side Effects of Neuropathy
10-10-17 1. Insulin, Insulin Resistance and Belly Fat Simplified
2. Burning Feet - What Can You Do About it?
3. 6 Shocking Health Problems Linked to Yeast and Fungus

4. Do you want to take a Supplement that Includes Herbs? - What you should know.
10-17-17 1. The Right Diet - The Door to Long Term Health
2. How to Deal with Testosterone Decline
3. Protect Yourself from a “Food” Ingredient
That Causes Nerve Damage
4. Nutrient Blockers - are you getting benefits from the food you eat or supplements you take?
10-24-17 1. What about Gluten?
2. How do you Know if You have Mold that Is Contributing to your Health Problems?
3. What is Focal Neuropathy?
4. Electrolytes, Why are they Important to Your Health?
10-31-17 1. Is Your Deoderant Safe?
2. Trouble Sleeping? Is it your Adrenals?
3. The Health Benefits of Vitamins C
4. Idiopathic Neuropathy, what is it really?
1. What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)? also known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) 
2. Is Coconut Sugar Good for You?
 How to Reverse Cavities Naturally & Heal Tooth Decay
4. What to do if you know you will eat too many carbs?
11-14-17 1. Looking for a Good B Complex?
2. The Four Biggest Health Myths
3. Another Myth - Synthetic Vitamins will make you healthy
4. Digestive Issues, Let's understand - Digestion Made Simple
11-21-17 1. Trouble Losing Weight even Though You Diet and Exercise?
2. What can you do to Build Healthy Gums & Teeth?
3. Vaccinations, an Educated Opinion
4. Why Informed Consent Matters

1. Nutritional Yeast Tablets - Natural B Vitamins and Help for a Ketogenic Diet
2. Bloating, Indigestion, Constipation, Acid Reflux
3. Foot Neuropathy, Damage to Nerves in the Feet
4. Improving Blood Circulation


1. The Diet that Builds Health in order to Lose Weight, or To Just Builds Health
2. The Truth About Neuropathy & Vitamins
3. Why Apple Cider Works and It Is NOT Because of Its Nutrients 
4. What is High Blood Pressure? What you can do about it Narurally

12-13-17 1. Vitamin D - Days are Shorter in the Winter
2. New & Improved - Glucose Support Formula
3. Neuropathy Cause: Surgery
4. The Hidden Source of Belly Fat

1. Does Neuropathy and Nerve Pain Feel Worse during the Holiday Season?
2. It's the Holidays - What to do if you know you will eat too many carbs (sugar) ?
3. RHP Vitamin C that Now Uses Organic Camu Camu
4. Addressing Your Neuropathy, what can you do?


1. Think Differently about Treating Pain (including Neurpathy Pain)
Dental Work, Dental Surgery, Dental Implants and Nerve Damage
3. Improve Your Health Without Drugs
4. The Basis of Disease:  Louis Pasteur vs. Antoine Bechamp:  Know the True Causes of Disease


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We have used our best judgment in compiling this information. The Food and Drug Administration may not have evaluated the information presented. Any reference to a specific product is for your information only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease