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Your Newsletter for Good Health 
from your Nutritional Education Site

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1. Alcohol and How It Effects the Body
2. How Food Affects Your Moods
3. Sugar and What it Does to the Body
4. Foods that Can Cause Neuropathy (or makes it worse) 

1-8-2016 1. How Your Health Benefits from Fiber, but Suffers from Antibiotics
2. The Best & Worse Calcium
3. Foot Neuropathy, Damage to the nerves in the feet
4. Winter Health

1-18-2016 1. Support and Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
2. What is Behind a Sluggish Thyroid
3. Bacterial & Viral Causes of Neuropathy (Nerve Damage) and what can be done
4. Help for Gum Disease & Periodontal Disease


1. Find the Cause of Migraine Headaches
2. Rebuildng a Healthy Mouth
3. Is Chronic Inflammation Making You Hot and Bothered?
4. Joint and Inflammation Support Formula


2-1-2016 1. 5 Antifungals in Your Spice Rack
2. Focal Neuropathy, What is It?
3. The Life Support Formula
4. Do you have Adrenal Exhaustion? 


1. Bone Strength and Nutrition
2. The Instant Cure for Plantar Fasciitis, (Pain in the Bottom of Your Feet)  by Dr. Eric Berg
3. 10 Warning Signs Your Body Doesn’t Get Enough Water
4. What Ingredients will Help Your Teeth & Gums?


2-15-2016 1. Winter Blues?  What to do.
2. The Link Between Oral Health and Disease
3. Will It Interfere with the Other Things I’m Taking? 
4. Idiopathic Neuropathy, what does this mean? 


1. Fixing a Sore Throat, by Dr. Eric Berg
2. Spring Will Soon Be Here - that means Allergies
3.The Metabolic Theory of Cancer and the Key to Cancer Prevention and Recovery
4. Confused About What to Take for Neuropathy Relief?


2-29-2016 1. EPA & DHA: What It Is and What It Means for Your Health
2. More About Neuropathy
3. How to Fix Kidney Stones
4. Gum Disease, Fix it Before It Becomes Something Worse

3-7-2016 1. Help for Different Types of Neuropathy
2. How to Double Your Flexibility Or How to Treat Tight Muscles
3. Zika Virus, What is It?
4. The Dangers of Root Canal

3-14-2016 1. Sinus Infections & Fungus (Mold)
2. The Flu by Dr. Mike Spearman
3. Magnesium, it's importance. What are the symptoms of deficiency?
4. Things that Slow Down Building Healthy Nerves, what you can do for your Neuropathy Symptoms

3-21-2016 1. New & Improved - Real Energy Drink
2. What does it take to Build Healthy Nerves?
3. Is Tooth Decay Necessary and what You Can Do
4. Understanding the Menstrual Cycle and Estrogen

3-28-2016 1.  New - Joint and Inflammation Support Formula
2. 5 Weight Loss Mistakes Everybody Makes
3. Hereditary or Genetic Neuropathy
4. The Problem with Root Canal

4-4-2016 1. The Importance of Hydrochloric Acid
2. What Decays teeth? 
3. How to Tighten that Flabby Arm Fat
4. Confused on What to Take For Neuropathy Relief?


1. New -  Daily Whole Food Mutivitamin
2. Americans Drink 50 Gallons of Poisons Yearly
3. Why is What You Eat So Important? 
4. Nerve Damage (Neuropathy) from Chemotherapy



1. Addicted to Sweets or Just Love Them?  What to do.
2. Is there a Diet for Dental Health?
3. What You Don't Know About Your Doctor Could Hurt You by Consumer Reports
How Do You Get Nerve Damage?


4-25-2016 1. Don't Like Vegetables - Try This
2. Fiber & Cholesterol Levels
3. Most Common Cause of Fatigue that is Missed or Misdiagnosed by Doctors
4. Warning: Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics May Cause Permanent Nerve Damage


1. Biologics, What are They?
2. Breakthrough Any Weight Loss Barriers
3. Alzheimer's Disease - what is it and what can be done
4. Natural Pain Relief for Your Nerves and Much More


5-9-2016 1. The Fiber Myth
2. Hair Loss - the Cause & What to Do About It
3. Medications with Side Effects of Neuropathy
4. Dental work, Dental Surgery and Nerve Damage


1. Insulin Is The Cause of Most Major Illnesses by Dr. Berg
2. Need Help Getting Healthy Cholesterol Levels?
Nerve Damage (neuropathy) as a Side Effect of Surgery
4. Research Supports Anti-Aging Benefits of Traditional Tonic Herbs


5-23-2016 1. The Pre & Post Workout Meal Myth
2. The Best Thing for Healing the Body Fast
3. What Doctors Don’t Know About Nutrition 
4. New - A Daily MultiVitamin - A Foundation for Good Health


1. Preventing a Fatty Liver When You Lose Weight
2. Feeding & Healing Arteries
3. Bacteria & Periodontal Disease
4. Might Alzheimer’s Disease Be “Foodborne”?



1. New Prostate Support Formula
2. Nerve Health - What is a Healthy Nerve?  
3. Adrenal Fatigue - a video that explains what it is.
4. Bleeding Gums & Gum Disease



1. 10 Turmeric Benefits: Superior to Medications?
2. The Biggest Reason Why You Should Drink Lemon Water
3. 10 Reasons You Should Consider Chiropractic Therapy
4. Where did my Neuropathy (Nerve Damage) come from?


6-20-2016 1. Fish Oil Supports Nerve Health
2. Relive Sciatica Pain without Drugs
3. Eye Health
4. What to do about Dental Health? 


1. 11 Food Items that Are Silent Killers
2. NEW - Support and Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
3. Why do Knee Joints and Hip Joints wear Out?
4. What is the difference between the Different Forms of Neuropathy?



1. 3 Steps to Heal Adrenal Fatigue
2. Important Facts About Cholesterol and Heart Disease
3. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston Price, DDS
4. The Different Types of Neuropathy What It All Means


7-11-2016 1. Remove Harmful Toxins from Your Environment
2. How to Reverse Cavities Naturally
3. Dental Surgery - Dental Implants and Nerve Damage
4. Is Your Health Problem Systemic Fungus?

7-18-2016 1. Will this allow the body to repair a tooth?
2. Why Should You Take a Daily MultiVitamin?
3. How to Reduce Bloating Quickly
4. Dump the Soda


1. Going Back to the Basics of Human Health
2. What are Carbohydrates? Refined Grains & Carbohydrates
3. Real Energy Drink - A Fantastic Resource for Extra Energy
4. Benefits of Cinnamon - What is Cinnamon Good For? 


8-1-2016 1. Joint and Inflammation Support Formula
2. Top Zinc Deficiency Symptoms
3. Getting Hydrated Can Have Surprising Effects On Your Health
4. Dental Infections and It's Relationship to Disease


1. It Pays to Read the Warnings When You Open Up a Prescription
2. Fish Oil Supports Nerve Health
3. Why Does Your Body Make 3000 mg of Cholesterol Each Day?
Dental Health - Does it Mean Brushing Your Teeth?


8-15-2016 1. How Do I Know the Correct Dosage?
2. Non-Surgical Solutions to Hernia and Back Problems
3. Major Causes of Weight Gain? Processed Foods & Rx Medicines
4. Chemotherapy Neuropathy


1. Healthy Teeth & Gums
2. Why Dietitians Say that Fluoride and Sugar are Safe for Kids
3. An Often Ignored Cause of Many Physical Problems
4. Overcoming temptation & & Help with Weight Loss



1. Why Good Nutrition?
2. Get Rid of Loose Flabby Skin
3. Nutritional Support for People with High Blood Pressure
4. The Basics of Human Health


9-5-2016 1. Hormone Replacement - is it safe or effective?
2. Antibiotics Cause Diabetes, Stomach Problems and Asthma, Suzy Cohen, RPh
3. Addressing Neuropathy, What Can You Do?
4. Does What I eat Affect My Teeth? 

9-12-2016 1. Sometimes It Requires More Patience to Build Healthy Nerves
2. Where is Your Stress And How Is It Effecting You?
3. Nerve Damage & Dental Procedures (surgery, implants, etc.)
4. The Vitamin Deficiency that Can Cause Migraines

9-19-2016 1. The Difference Between Drugs and Nutritional Approach 
2. What are nutritional deficiencies and what do they do to your health? 
3. The HCG Diet - Review
4. What is Herbal Medicine? 


1. Better Treated Without Drugs, by Dr.Mercola
2. Why You Don't Want Reduced Fat Milk in Your Diet!
3. Nutritional Support for Nerve Pain
4. Gingivitis, Gum Health Linked to Heart and Prostate Disorders


10-3-2016 1. Prevent Premature Death & Live Longer: Part 1
2. What is Insulin Resistance and How It Effects Your Body.
3. Will You Eventually Need Dentures?
4. The Healing Power of Vitamin C

10-10-2016 1. Should You Be Fearful of the Zika Virus? 
2. Buying Less Expensive Supplements - Is it worth it?
3. How do Medications create Neuropathy
4. Bleeding Gums and Gum Disease


1. Vitamin C and Your Nerves
2. New Marketing "Ploy" for Supplements
3. Fat is NOT the Cause of Insulin Resistance
Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness?



1. Chiropractors and Exercise are Better Than Drugs
2. NEW Prostate Support Formula for Men
A Surprising Source of Stress and Anxiety
4. The Perils of Implant Surgery (and Other Dental Surgery)


10-31-2016 1. Johns Hopkins Study: Calcium Supplements May Clog Arteries, Damage Heart
2. Special Price for Pain Relief Spray

3. Nutritional Support for People with High Blood Pressure
4. Rebuilding a Healthy Mouth - Addressing Loose Teeth


1. Apple Cider Vinegar Plus & Your Digestion
2. Indoor Mold, Water Damage Exposure and Joint Problems/Muscle Weakness
Numb Feet, Toes & Legs 
4. Denture Adhesive Creams & Neuropathy (Nerve Damage)



1. Aspartame’s Name Changed to Amino Sweet: A Toxin By Another Name is Still a Toxin
2. A Clean Home is Mold Free
3. What are Carbohydrates?
Common Oral Fungus & Development of Dental Caries (Decay)



1. Confused About What to Take for Neuropathy Relief?
Neurotoxins from Mold Can Damage Nerve Cells
3. Forced Vaccination: the Tragic Legacy of Jacobson v. Massachusetts
4. Remove Harmful Toxins from Your Environment


11-28-2016 1. Are you confused about what you’ve been told about Neuropathy? 
2. Neuropathic Symptoms in World Trade Center Disaster Survivors and Responders
Top Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies — Are You at Risk?
4. What Happens to Your Body When You Eat a McDonald’s Hamburger?


1. Nerve Damage – R-Alpha Lipoic and Acetyl L-Carnitine
2. Flu Vaccine: The Horrible "Immune System Mistake" Millions Will Make This Year
Digestion Problems?
Root Canal Dangers



1. Nutritional Support for People with High Blood Pressure
2. How Cortisol (Stress Hormone) Can Destroy Muscle, Collagen and Other Proteins
Indoor Mold Exposure Increases Risk of Sleep Problems  by Luke Curtis, MD MS CIH
The Diet for Dental Health or What to eat for a Healthier Mouth



1. A Simple Fix for Heartburn
2. Special Price for Pain Relief Spray
3. Warning: Potentially Life Threatening Vitamin Deficiency Affects 25% of Adults
Dr. Berg Turns a healthy 50 - What is his diet like



1. Why is there Muscle Weakness with Neuropathy
2. How to Handle Cravings at Night
3. No Will Power Over Bread?
SWOLLEN GUMS – Symptoms, Causes and Treatments


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We have used our best judgment in compiling this information. The Food and Drug Administration may not have evaluated the information presented. Any reference to a specific product is for your information only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease