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1-4-2013 |
Eating too many Carbs? A
Simple Yet Effective Way To Normalize Blood Sugar & Insulin Spikes
After Eating a High Carbohydrate Meal 2. What to do about Carb Cravings 3. Psychiatric Drugs - The Source of the Violence? 4. New Year Resolutions |
1-11-2013 |
1. General
Mills Gets a Taste of Backlash after it Spent Over 1.2 Million to defeat
GMO Labeling Initiative 2. Are You Getting the Information 3. 4. A Major Threat to Public Health |
1-18-2013 |
1. Causes of Diabetic Complications 2. Diabetic Ulcers - An Effective Natural Solution 4. An Easy Way to Improve Blood Circulation |
1-25-2013 |
1. Green
Coffee Bean Extract Diet 2. The Real Reason Behind the School Shooters - Fox News 3. The Difference Between Drugs and Nutrition Supplements 4. How to take Supplements Safely |
2-1-2013 |
New Health Blog - MCVitamins 2. Avoiding the Flu 3. Statin Drugs: Worth the Risk? 4. Your and Your Gallbladder |
2-8-2013 |
Banned Ingredients that are Still Legal in the US 2. Are you Peeing out Your Vitamins? 3. Eating Smart when Eating Out 4. How to Fix the Healthcare System |
2-15-2013 |
Do you lose weight to get Healthy? Or get Healthy to Lose Weight? 2. The Cholesterol Myth - a show from Dr. Oz. 3. What do I eat now? 4. Publication Bias - Medical Research |
2-22-2013 |
Help for Chemo Brain and Memory Loss |
3-1-2013 |
Is Soda Making you Sad? 2. The hidden sugar in common foods 3. Misconceptions Spread by Mainstream Nutrition 4. What's Wrong with What We Eat? |
3-8-2013 |
1. A
new Scientific study... what does it mean? |
3-15-2013 |
How do you get good health when you lead a fast food lifestyle? 2. Whole Foods Stores Making GMO Labeling Mandatory 3. What is good health? 4. Chicken Soup when You're Sick? |
3-22-2013 |
The Best Cleaners for Mold 2. Compression of a Nerve and Neuropathy (Nerve Damage) (also called a pinched nerve) 3. The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food 4. Healthy Bodies for People on the Go! - HEALTH TIP |
3-29-2013 |
1 in 4 Chance You'll Be Harmed in a Hospital |
4-5-2013 |
Your Depression Might be Due to Vitamin D Deficiency 2. The Truth About Anti-Depressants - the Oz Show 3. Magnesium for Heart Health 4. Why High Salt Consumption Alone Will Not Increase Your Health Disease Risk |
4-12-2013 |
The Hidden Source of Your Neck and or Shoulder Pain 2. Nutritional Myths 101 - Soy is Health Food & Milk Does the Body Good 3. Why Alpha Lipoic Acid and Acetyl L-Carnitine 4. Health Benefits of Working out Less, But More Intensely |
4-19-2013 |
Optic Neuropathy - what is it? what causes it? 2. Side Effects of Statins 3. Natural vs. Organic Foods 4. Allergies & Sinus Relief |
4-26-2013 |
Fake Foods - the case of the missing blueberries 2. Autonomic Neuropathy - another type of nerve damage 3. Pain of Pleasure Foods 4. 4 Ways to Eliminate Acid from Your Body |
5-3-2013 |
Hashimoto's Explained by
Dr. Michael Ruscio, D.C., Nutritionist 2. There Could Be Flame-Retardant Chemicals In Your Favorite Soft Drinks - including Gatorade 3. Why should I fast? by Dr. Claudy Ann Keasberry, D.C., Nutritionist 4. How can you tell if your body is too acid? |
5-10-2013 |
Five Worst Foods for Sleep 2. What is Sciatica? What can you do about it? 3. Testing for Fungus 4. How to find the Healthiest Fare in Meat and Produce Isles |
5-17-2013 |
Study says that Acetyl-l-carnitine increases nerve regeneration 2. The Truth about Neuropathy & Vitamins 3. An Understanding: What is Behind a Sluggish Thyroid Gland? 4. Is Preventive Surgery heroic? |
5-24-2013 |
1. What
is herbal medicine? 2. Are you unknowingly ingesting Hazardous Waste? 3. Stuffy Nose or Sinus Problems? Here's a Fix 4. You Know Which Foods Are Low in Carbs? |
5-31-2013 |
1. Top
Three Sources of Toxic Exposures: Traffic, Personal Care and
Plastic Products |
6-7-2013 |
1. Are
you Peeing Out Your Vitamins 2. What Nutritional Deficiencies Can Medications Create? 3. What Are Statin Drug Side Effects? 4. Will It Interfere with the Other Things I’m Taking? |
6-14-2013 |
"Autistic Boy" With Higher IQ Than Einstein Discovers His Gift
After Removal From State-Run Therapy 2. Why are foods and supplements that are made for Children Packed with Hazardous Chemicals, Hidden Aspartame and GMOs? 3. The Cholesterol Myth 4.Health Myths and Legends - Are your vitamins doing you any good? & What to expect when taking Natural Vitamins - Whole Food Vitamins |
6-21-2013 |
1. Are you Peeing Out Your Vitamins 2. What Nutritional Deficiencies Can Medications Create? 3. What Are Statin Drug Side Effects? 4. Will It Interfere with the Other Things I’m Takin |
6-28-2013 |
1. Toxins found In Monsanto Crops Damage Red Blood Cells 2. Grains, are they good for you? 3. Neuropathy, A Diabetic Side Effect: How to Decrease or Eliminate This Problem 4. Do you know which seven dangerous food ingredients to watch out for in your groceries? 5. What are nutritional deficiencies and what do they do to your health 6. Dr. Berg Does a Diagnosis on Healthcare |
7-5-2013 |
Basis of Disease: Louis Pasteur vs. Antoine Bechamp: Know
the True Causes of Disease 2. Alternative Mental Health 3. 10 Harmful Food Additives to Avoid 4. The Various Herbs Used for Neuropathy and What They Do |
7-12-2013 |
1. Acetyl L-Carnitine & Energy - an Ingredient in the New Improved
Energy Drink 2. 10 American Foods that Are Banned in Other Countries 3. A Breakthrough on Chemo Brain, a Side Effect of Chemotherapy 4. The Risks of Taking Calcium Supplements |
7-19-2013 |
1. Sudden Flabby
Thighs & Butt in Menopause |
7-26-2013 |
1. The Addictive
Nature of Processed Carbs |
8-2-2013 |
1. Is Gluten the
Cause of your Neuropathy? 2. Additional Vitamins and Minerals for Your Nerves 3. What are nutritional deficiencies and what do they do to your health? 4. Help Defend Your Brain from Anxiety with This Popular Food |
8-9-2013 |
1. The Fish Oil "Causes
Cancer" Scare |
8-16-2013 |
1. Dieting
To Lose Weight? What are the facts surrounding diet failure? |
8-23-2013 |
1. Damaged Cell
Receptors and Diabetes |
8-30-2013 |
1. Can Psoriasis be
Treated without Drugs? |
9-6-2013 |
1. Are Menopausal
Symptoms Normal? 2. Could Your Depression be Due to Low Magnesium? 3. Another interesting item from Alternative Mental Health 4. Is Organic Produce Worth The Extra Cost? |
9-13-2013 |
1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Effective for ADHD 2. The Hidden Source of Belly Fat 3. Broccoli Based Medicine - A Potent Tool against Osteoarthiritis and Cancer 4. How Skipping Breakfast Can Improve Your Health and Make Your Leaner |
9-20-2013 |
1. Wheat Brain |
9-27-2013 |
1. Eleven Scientific
Reasons Not to NOT Eat Genetically Modified Food or GMO 2. This is What Happens to Your Body When Your Exercise 3. 10 Healthy Reasons to Give up Soda 4. Fat Burning Foods |
10-4-2013 |
1. Reversing Tooth Decay 2. Cancer Treatments, Alternative Methods 3. Uses of Coconut Oil 4. How to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease - A Neurologist Speaks Out |
10-11-2013 |
1. Auditory Neuropathy, what is it? 2. Statins - the Hidden Diabetes Link. the reason 3. An Easy Way to Improve Blood Circulation 4. How to Fix a Stiff Neck |
10-18-2013 |
1. Meat Eater or
Vegetarian, Which is Better? 2. 5 Things to Avoid to Become More Alkaline 3. The Science of Fungus 4. Another Take on Deadly Events Happening in America. |
10-25-2103 |
1. Neuropathy Treatment -
A site with Information about the Treatments and more 2. Hormone Replacement May Pose Higher Cancer Rates 3. Take on Medicinal Mushrooms, are they good for you? 4. TV Show on Cancer - One Man's Hypothesis on an Unknown Cause of Cancer |
11-1-2013 |
1. How to Make Your Own
Natural Sports Drink 2. Cranial Neuropathy - What is it? what can be done? 3. Herbal First Aid Kit 4. The Real Cause of Headaches |
11-8-2013 |
1. Is Your Food Making You Sick |
11-15-2013 |
1. Does Tryptophan in Turkey Really Make You Sleepy? 2. Low Carb Thanksgiving Recipes 3. Ban Artificial Sweeteners from your Diet 4. Butter or Margarine, which is Better? |
11-22-2013 |
1. Look at Your Food |
11-29-2013 |
1. Dangerous Sleep Habit 2. 5 Most Lacking Nutrients in a Typical Daily Diet 3. Factory Farms - what are they? Why they should be boycotted. 4. Just what is Vitamins and Minerals and How Essential are they? |
12-6-2013 |
1. Green Tea Fights
Disease: How Its Natural Antioxidants Work 2. Healing with Sleep 3.The Nutrient that Improves Your Eyesight 4. Digestive Help - Getting Enough Fiber? |
12-13-2013 |
1. What could be the
cause of lack of coordination or lack of balance?
2. Things That Slow Down Nerve Damage Repair 3. An overlooked "nutrient" 4. New Test for Neuropathy? |
12-20-2013 |
1. Scary Truths about
Fluoride 2. Effects of Stress on the Brain 3. The 11 Most Destructive Nutrition Lies Ever Told 4. Forget Antibiotics, Steroids, and Medications - Starve Mold Out of Your Body |
12-27-2013 |
1. The Secret to Losing
Weight by Improving Digestion by Isaac Eliaz. M.D. 2. Fungus Mimicking Lung Cancer 3. Are Artificial Sweeteners a Good Substitute for Sugar? 4. Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness? |
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