

MCVitamins.com Newsletters Archives
Educate yourself to Take Control of Your Health

ARCHIVES 2008 - 2024

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1. Nerves Keeping You Awake? Get Help Sleeping
2. What is Insulin Resistance and how does it affect your body?
3. Modern medicine discovers that a strong immune system really does cure colds, and the flu (from 2016)
4. Eating too Many Carbs - A Simple Yet Effective Way To Normalize Blood Sugar & Insulin Spikes After Eating a High Carbohyrdrate Meal



1. What is a variant?
2. The Benefits of Seeing a Chiropractor When You Have Diabetes
3. Vegetables - Go for the Green
by Dr. Cindy Clayton
4. What are nutritional deficiencies and what do they do to your health?



1. National "Healthy Weight Week" Begins, are you ready?
2. Camel Milk is back in stock
3. Risk Factors Connected to Addiction During Winter
4. Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness?



1. Magnesium Levels Vital for Strong Immune Response to Infections and Cancer
2. The Difference Between Drugs and Nutrition Supplements for the treatment of Neuropathy
3. Why you can improve your diabetic condition with exercise?
4. Daily MultiVitamin - General Health and Another Essential for Nerve Health


1. Shingles, and Postherpetic Neuralgia (nerve damage) and what can be done for relief
2. Diabetic Ulcers - An effective natural solution
3. Sinus & Lung Support
4. Will It Interfere with the Other Things I’m Taking?



1. Support Your Natural Resistance to Germs
2. How Vitamin B12 Effects Every Organ and Tissue
3. Drinking More Coffee May Reduce Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s
Are you Getting enough Vitamin C to Protect your body from illness and disease?



1. What you need for muscle growth?
2. What Can You Do About Your Cholesterol Levels?
3. How Does Drug Use Effect Sleep?
4. Spectrum Care Nutrional Protocol formulated for Children

2-23-22 1. Organic Natural Face Cream by Dr. Berg
2. Radiation & Neuropathy (Nerve Damage)
3. Why are you Always Tired?
4. What else is good for the nerve


1. Your Hair.....
2, New Hope for Cataracts: NAC (N-Acetylcarnosine) Eye Drops
3. How to Stop Tinnitus
4. Lyme Disease, the problems it creates
and its Treatments



1. Benefits of Camel Milk for a Leaky Gut
2. How to Treat and Prevent ‘Dead Butt Syndrome’
3. Lupus and Neuropathy (Nerve Damage)
4. What is the explanation for the ‘long Covid’? Here’s the latest theory from reserchers.


1.6 Secrets to Looking Younger
2. 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Fish Oil (Plus how to Choose the Right Supplement
3. Neuropathy? Supplements that Can Help Ease Your Symptoms
Need Help Lowering Your Cholesterol Levels?
5. Research has Found........

3-23-22 1. Clear Healthy Skin
2. Can a Plant-Based Diet Improve Heart Health?
3. Sensory Neuropathy - Sensory Nerves are Damaged
4. Bleeding Gums and Gum Disease, what you can do about it




1. Processed Foods and Health
2. Spectrum Care+ - Protocol Package -
3. Do you Want Beauty Care without toxic chemicals?
4. Tinnitus & Nerve Damage "Ringing in Your Ear"



1. Natural Help to Survive Seasonal Allergies
2. Auditory Neuropathy
3. What is Keto? What is Healthy Keto?
4. The 7 Causes of a Headache

4-13-22 1. Does Eating Organic Foods Reduce Cancer? Researchers in France Say “Yes”
2. How Drug and Alcohol Abuse Are Invading Our Workplaces
3. Why is it So Hard to Stop Eating Sugar?
4. Use of Reflux and Ulcer Medications and Neuropathy (nerve damage)


1. A new Website? MCVitamins.com
2. What is Spectrum Care+ for the health of children with special needs.
3. Drugged Driving and Cannabis
4. What you need to know about Neuropathy



1. Struggling with hair loss, brittle hair, thin hair, or split ends?
2, Seasonal Allergies? Revisiting what to do

3. A New Quiz to Help Your Neuropathy
4. What are Autoimmune Diseases and what can we do about them



1. The Nerve Health Program
2. Support and Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
3. Help for Gum Disease & Periodontal Disease
4. What is Balanced Nutrition?



1. Need a Solution to Bleeding Gums, Receding Gums, and Loose Teeth
2. The New Personal Program for Healthier Nerves (and Reducing Symptosm)
3. Study Links Prolonged Use Of Heartburn & Ulcer Medications With Vitamin Deficiency
4. Dr. Berg's Vitamin C Complex, Chewable and.....



1. Understanding More About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and nutrition for PCOS
2. Chewable Vitamin C
3. Solution to the Baby Formula Shortage
4. Do you like Dr. Berg Products?
5. Thank you for taking the Neuropathy Quiz


1. Neuropathy Quiz and Answers
2 Low Fat Foods: The Hidden Risks
3. Heart Health, What you need to Know
4. What Causes Tooth Decay?



1. My apology.....
2. Replenishing the Nutrients Depleted by Drugs

3. Are GMOs safe?
4. Pain from Back Surgery or any Surgery?



1. 5 Reasons to Stop Wearing Deodorant (and How to Stop Body Odor Without It)
2. How Do Health Challenges Create Nutritional Deficiencies?
3. What does the body need for Nerve Health?
4. Electrolyte Capsulse are now Available.



1. Relief from Neuropathy
2. Superfood Benefits of Camel Milk (and good for the lactose intolerant)
3. Special Needs Children - Many are frustrated in trying to find help - don't give up.



1. Narconon Gave Me My Life Back - BE DRUG FREE. FOR GOOD
2. The Benefits of Camel Milk (and an Independence Day sale)
3. Our Neuropathy Informations Hub
4. Is Chronic Inflammation Leaving Your Hot & Bothered?



1. Ways to Support a Loved One Deciding to Get Sober
2. How does Camel Milk Compare to Alternative Milks?
3. Do I Trust Melatonin for Better Sleep? It’s Complicated
4. Addressing Your Neuropathy, What Can You Do?



1.The #1 Worst Ingredient in the World that is hiding in your Food
2. Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness?
3.Care to Share - Camel Milk with our Friends and Family
4. Pandemic Flu Can Leave People With Lingering Nerve Damage



1. Early Signs of Toxic Kidneys
2. How Beneficial are Essential Oils?
3. Confused about Immunity and How to Get It?
4. Billion$ Spent on Violence Prevention Ignores How Psychotropic Drugs Cause Hostility, and Their Role in Mass Shootings & Stabbings



1. Summer-ize Your Body for More Energy
2. Neuropathy Update
3. What You Should Know About Mold Toxins and Kidney Function
4. Nerve Health, what your body needs



1. Your Face is the Mirror of your Health
2. We invite you to take a free Truth About Drugs online course
3. More Neuropathy Help
An Easy Way to Improve Blood Circulation



1. The Best Natural Antibiotic Remedy
2. Long Haul Persistent Symptoms
by Dr. Eric Berg
3. You just need one thing.....?
4. Are you confused about what you’ve been told about Neuropathy?

5. Your solution to Everyday Toxins



1. Metabolic Boost - Do you Want to Build a Healthy Metabolism?
A Cmprehensive Nervous System Support
3. Benefits of Eating Functional Foods
4. These Disturbing Fast Food Truths Will Make you Reconsider Your Lunch



1. Do Foods Affect My Brain? by Doug Kaufman
2. A New Nerve Health Article
3. Is Chronic Inflammation Making You Hot and Bothered?
4. Sleeplessness?



1. Why is Optimum Metabolism so Important in Children?
2. How the Gut-Brain Axis Can Affect Your Health?
3. What is the Science behind Restoring Nerve Health?
4. What Weight Loss Diet is right for you?



1 Success with using the Nerve Support with Benfotiamine
2. Are You Struggling Inbetween Diets?
What do you want to read in our Newsletter?
4. Is Sugar Making You Stressed?



1. US Health Crisis
2. A Pizza Skillet Recipe (by Dr. Berg - Keto Friendly)
3. A Pinched Nerve?
4. Gum Disease, Bleeding Gums, Gingivitis & Treatments



1. The 8 Nutritional Challenges Facing Athletes
2. How is your Metabolism?
3. Building Health to Defeat the Germs
4. Dental Health & Dental Care


1. The Holidays are coming, but the Weather is also Changing
2. Be in Control of What Happens in Your Gut
3. A Hearty Breakfast for the Lactose Intolerant
4. Understanding Autoimmunity



1. B12 and what It Means for Your Health by Dr. Martin
2. Do You Have Insulin Resistance?
3. The MOST Important Fatty Liver Detox and Cleansing Antioxidant
4. A Practical Guide to Avoiding Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion
by Hyla Cass, M.D.



1. 6 Ways You Can Teach Your Kids About Living a Healthy Lifestyle
2. How Low Should Your Cholesterol Really Be?
3. Gum Disease is no joke
4. Anxiety - what can you do naturally



1. Inflammation and its Cause
2. Five Tips for a Healthier Life

3. The 8 Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid
4. New Product - Vitamin C Serum with Probiotics - Revitalizes Aging Skin



1. Low Carb Holiday Recipes
2. Cateracts and what natural remedies can you try
3. Eye Floaters and a natural remedy
4. "Aromatherpy" Sleep Lotion - Soothing your sleep
My Success Story



1. Structural Medicine vs. Functional Medicine
2. The Flu Season is here
by Dr. Martin
3. Do you get enough potassium in your diet?
4. Nerve Damage Can’t be Repaired? You just have to live with it?



1. For Christmas - Healthy Keto Christmas Cookies and more
2. Need Pain Relief? Want a Natural Remedy?
3. Do you know someone who has a drug or alcohol addiction problem? Please take this survey, Addiction Treatment Survey
4. What caused my Nerve Damage (Neuropathy)?


1.The Root Cause of Cardiac Arrhythmias & Diet for a Healthy Disease
2. Do you need Joint & Muscle Therapy?
3. Are You Drinking Plastic With Your Hot Coffee or Tea?
4. Some More Christmas Cookies



1. Camel Milk as Part of a Pre-Diabetic Diet
2. Recovering from the Holidays
3. Need a Keto-Friendly Salad for the Holidays?
Kid's Chewable Multivitamins - NEW by Dr. Berg



1. The Truth about Neuropathy & Vitamins
2. Eating too Many Carbs - A Simple Yet Effective Way to help
3. Best Supplement to Fight Colds & Flu
4. Are You Planning on Overeating During the Holidays - TIPS



1.It's almost the New Year 2023 - Start lining up your New Year's Resolutions
2. This Winter Enjoy Creamy Soups Made with Camel Milk
3. Sleep Deprevation - what is the reason and what is the real fix
4. Are you still interested in helping your neuropathy?


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.  All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of this website in full or in part is prohibited without the express written permission of MCVitamins.com

We have used our best judgment in compiling this information. The Food and Drug Administration may not have evaluated the information presented. Any reference to a specific product is for your information only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease