
MCVitamins.com News
Your Newsletter for Good Health 
from your Nutritional Education Site

ARCHIVES 2008-2024


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1. What are nutritional deficiencies and what do they do to your health?    
2. Sleep Troubles:  how to help beat insomnia naturally
3. Heal and Prevent Heart Disease with Nutrition, Part I
4. Neuropathy, Why the pain, the tingling, the numbness?
5. Do you like Salt on your Food?


1-14-2011 1. Alpha Lipoic Acid & Neuropathy
2. How to Solve Nearly Every Illness - Without Drugs
3. How Niacin Lowers Cholesterol
4. Do you like Salt on your Food?  What it means.



1. Study reveals top ten violence-inducing prescription drugs
2. Better Nutrition, Better Mental Health - Diet Changes can Reverse "Mental Disorders"
3. Natural Cures for "Autism"
4. New Test for Neuropathy
5. Check for the Side Effects yourself - Learn what potential side effect there are for any drug. 
6. Are Pre-packaged Low Carb Foods Really Low Carb?
7. Do you sleep well? 


1-28-2011 1. Does your wrist, hip or neck start hurting for no reason?    
2. Cure Your Cravings by Ignoring this Widely Followed Conventional Advice
3. What are nutritional deficiencies and what do they do to your health.


1. More information on you're Body's Acidity - a food chart and an acidity test. 
2. Deadly Medicine
3. Eat Right, Fight Disease
4. Food Matters
5. Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness?



1. Drugs that can Make You Violent
2. Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbess?
3. Taco Bell Beef - Fails to Meet the Definition of Meat?
4. Why Chiropractic?


2-18-2011 1. 5 Ways to Slash Sodium from Your Diet
2. Denture Adhesive - Safety Warning Revealed After Study
3. Eating TransFats Linked to Depression
4. Why the Media is Usually Wrong about Health Information
5. Better Exercise

2-25-2011 1. Big Brother AMA
2. Using Nutritional Supplements to address health challenges, how does it work?

3. Improving Your Diabetic Condition With Exercise
4. Lowering Blood Pressure: The Medications and the Natural Treatments


1. New Study Confirms Fructose Affects your Brain very Differently than Glucose
2. The Mighty B Vitamins
3. What to expect when taking All Natural Vitamins - Whole Food Vitamins.
4. Improving your Diabetic Condition with Exercise


3-11-2011 1. Is Zinc Really Good for a Cold?
2. Asthmatics should avoid this common food additive
3. Reversing Depression without Drugs
4. The "Business" of Drugs:  Drug Company Exec Accountability
5. Study Suggests New Guidelines for Hypertension

3-18-2011 1. Are You Playing Russian Roulette with Your Heart?
2. Do Statins Cause Diabetes and Heart Disease?
3. Improving Blood Circulation
4. The Difference Between Drugs and Nutrition Supplements 

3-25-2011 1. Eat Dark Chocolate to "Control Hypertension"
2. The Pain Scale
3. What are Statin Drug Side Effects?
4. Taking Cymbalta for Neuropathy?
5. A Simple Fix for Heartburn

4-1-2011 1. Study Finds Drug-Related Poisoning Causes Nearly 700,000 ER Visits a Year (Prescription Drugs)
2. Diet as "Health Insurance"
3. The Nightmare of GM Foods (Genetically modified)
4. The Difference Between Drugs and Nutrition Supplements for the treatment of Neuropathy - or for any drug and natural treatment.

4-8-2011 1. Depression is not a chemical imbalance in the brain - here's proof - by Dr. Mercola
2. What is Neuropathy?
3. Improving Your Diabetic Condition With Exercise
4. Exercise Tip
5. Our Newsletter Archives

4-15-2011 1. 72 and Getting Younger
2. HCG:  The Controversial Trick for Blasting Away Up to a Pound of Flab a Day
3. Cancer & Chemotherapy - An inconvenient truth
4. Dehydration - It will soon be  summer.   This article is about hydration, why it is crucial to a healthy body. 

4-22-2011 1. The Four Biggest Health Myths
2. Is Vitamin D Deficiency Connected to Parkinson's Disease?
3. Do you know what medications have a side effect of neuropathy (nerve damage)???
4. Another Cause of Neuropathy - Important to know


1. Self-Funded Study Found Huge Tumors from This Everyday Food...aspartame
2. A Simple Fix for Heartburn
3. What are nutritional deficiencies and what do they do to your health?
Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness?     



1. The Amazing Nutrient that Lowers Your Blood Pressure
2. Lowering Blood Pressure: The Medications and the Natural Treatments
3. Genetically Modified Foods (called GM Food), why they are a problem


5-13-2011 1. Shoppers Wary of GM Foods Find They're Everywhere
2. Eight Foods You Should Almost Never, Ever Eat
3. Medical Drugs and Imaginary Diseases
4. Additional Help for Lowering Blood Pressure

5-20-2011 1. Fixing the Musculoskeletal System by Dr. Mike Spearman
2. A Great Tasting Remedy for Diarrhea
3. Stevie Nicks Confesses: Common Remedy Turned My Hair Gray and Molted My Skin
4. Is there any difference between Diabetic Neuropathy and other forms of Neuropathy
5.Things that Stop Nerve Damage Repair  (Worth reading even if you don't have Neuropathy)

5-26-2011 1. Why High-Fructose Corn Syrup Causes Insulin Resistance, by Dr. Mercola 
2. Butter or Margarine. Which is Better
3. What Are Statin Drug Side Effects?
4. The New WSN Life Support Formula is Now Available

6-2-2011 1. McDonald's & Pepsi help Write Health Policies
2. Cholesterol guidelines for converting healthy people into patients by
Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD
3. Protect Yourself from a “Food” Ingredient That Causes Nerve Damage!
4. Study Found Toxin from GM Crops is Showing up in Human Blood



Genetically Engineered Food Alters Our Digestive Systems
Your Body's Acidity - pH - and Heart Disease
Chiropractic - What is it? Lifelong Problems - Others Wouldn't Even Dare to Tackle
Neuropathy, A Diabetic Side Effect: How to Decrease or Eliminate This Problem

6-16-2011 Using Vitamins and Minerals in Foods to Reverse Health Challenges
Acupuncture in the Ranks
Exercise Tip
Alternative Mental Health


1. The Difference Between Drugs and Nutritional Supplements 
2.  Fiber - It can Lower Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels
3.  What are the types of neuropathy and how do they effect the symptoms someone feel
4. A Simple Yet Effective Way To Lower Blood Sugar & Insulin Spikes After Eating a High Carbohydrate Meal



1. Fish Oil Benefits
2. Anxiety?  What you can do without drugs
3. Something You've Never Been Told about Breakfast Cereals
4. How to Maintain Normal Blood Sugar


7-8-2011 1. How to Know What Vitamins Are Best for You
2. A Low Animal Meat Diet?
3. Summer Health
4. Scientists Admit -- Sun Exposure Benefits Outweigh Risks


1. A Practical Guide to Avoiding Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion, by Hyla Cass, M.D. 
Tart Cherry - What is it?  What is it taken for.
Genetically Modified Foods (called GMO), why they are a problem


7-21-2011 Environmental Toxins - If you can never seem to get truly well.
Are diet sodas making you fat?
What are the side effects of different medications?
Toxins in Your Environment- what they do to the body.

7-28-2011 One of the Biggest Food Frauds Perpetrated on the American People
Gingivitis, Gum Health Linked to Heart and Prostate Disorders
Juicing Recipes - Juicing for Health with Remedies
4 Surgeries to Avoid - Reasons to think twice before going under the knife 

8-5-2011 1. This Fat Helps Reduce Anxiety and Inflammation
2. Artificial Sweeteners and Weight Gain
3. Ginger can help reduce side-effects of chemotherapy: doctors
4. Toxicity vs. Maintenance


1. Preventing acne with diet
2. Stress & Chiropractic Adjustments
3. Things that Hinder the Repair of Nerve Damage



1. Metabolism and Nutrition
2. Preserving Memory and Enhancing Cognitive Performance
3. Difference between Drugs & Supplements in the Treatment of Neuropathy
4. Do you like Salt on your Food?   What does it mean?



1. Leaky Gut
2. Every Cancer can be Cured in Weeks - Video 
3. Fish Oil And Nerve Pain Relief 
4. Fiber - It Can Lower Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels


9-2-2011 1. Dr. Furhman's Eat to Live Diet
2.  The problem of side effects while getting off of Psychotropic medications
3. Know the Cause
4. Butter or Margarine. Which is Better

9-9-2011 1. Beating Heart & Artery Disease
2. Antidepressants, not So Effective
3. Not a Single Death from Taking Vitamins – Virtually None – Over the Past 27 Years! 
4. Improving Your Health By Naturally Increasing Enzymes in Your Body    


1. Is Multiple Sclerosis: A Chronic Mycotoxicosis?
2. Healthy Heart:  What to Avoid; What to Do 
3. Dental Surgery & Nerve Damage
The Difference Between Drugs and Nutrition Supplements for the treatment of Neuropathy 


9-23-2011 1. Cardovascular System - The Whole Picture
2. Prescription Drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in U.S., data show
3. Is Multiple Sclerosis: A Chronic Mycotoxicosis?
(Missing Link in our Last Newsletter) 
4. The Four Biggest Health Myths

9-30-2011 1. Alzheimer's: Diabetes of the Brain?
2. Fungus Link to Weight Gain 
3. Is there any difference between Diabetic Neuropathy and other forms of Neuropathy
4. How to Keep Firm Muscle Tone as You Age

10-7-2011 1. Vaccines Have Serious Side Effects – The Institute of Medicine Says
2. Real Energy Drink, all natural energy drink
3. Another excellent Supplement company
Are you getting enough Vitamins C to protect your body from illness and disease?

10-14-2011 1. New Phone Number for McVitamins
2. Neuropathy Drugs Have a Greater Suicide Risk
3. Can Fungus Really Be Healthy for your Heart
4. Why You Don't Want Reduced Fat Milk in Your Diet

10-21-2011 1. The Two Factors That Elevate Your Risk for an Autistic Child
2. Nerve Damage Caused by Toxins
3. Which Plastic Food & Drink Containers are Safe to Use
4. MCVitamins new phone number is 888 758-5590

10-28-2011 1. The Cholesterol Myths that May be Harming Your Health
2. Quinoa - an amino acid-rich (protein)
3. The New Epidemic Sweeping Across America (and it's Not a Disease)
4. What to do if you want to get off of Pharmaceutical Drugs (such as xanax, lexapro, etc) 

11-4-2011 1. Dr Price’s Total Health Tips Tip #2: Apples
What is Muscle Testing? 
3. Forget Antibiotics, Steroids and Medication - Starve This Toxin out of Your Body


1. If You're Taking This Drug - Don't Take Aspirin
2. Are Medications Causing Your Neuropathy?
How to Lower Cholesterol, Lose Weight And Lower Blood Pressure 
Health Conditions - What is good health?  



1. Child Have ADHD? Stop Feeding Them This
2. Supplements that Reduce Inflammation
3. The Difference Between Drugs and Nutritional Supplements 
4. MCVitamins phone number has changed.


11-25-2011 1. Burzynskimovie.com - Cancer is Serious Business
2. Healthy Holiday Recipes
3. Low-Carb Holiday Eggnog & Other Low Carb Holiday Recipes
4. Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness?  


1) How Big Pharma Fools Even Your Doctor
2) Reversing Memory Loss and Lack of Concentration
3)  Toxins as a Cause of Neuropathy - Nerve Damage
4)  Lowering Blood Pressure: The Medications and the Natural Treatments


12-9-2011 1) Health Myths Created by the "Father of Spin" - Do You Still Believe Them?
2) Doctor's Health Tip on Relieving Headaches
3) Labeling of GMO Foods
4) Energy Drinks, are they good for you?


1) Natural Anti-Oxidants Decline in Aging Body: Cell’s Defense Reserves Shrink With Age
2) Use this when you Fly to Protect Yourself from Radiation Damage
3) A Practical Guide to Avoiding Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion
4) Withdrawal from psychotropic drugs (including Cymbalta) 
5) Taking Cymbalta for Neuropathy?


12-23-2011 1) Reversing Altered Metabolic Functions to Enhance Long-Term Weight Control
2) Dr. Thorburn's Health Tips including 
        Computer Eyestrain, 
        How to Boost Your Metabolism 
        Stress Busters
        Lower Back Strain
3) Taking Statin Drugs?  What Essential Nutrients are They Robbing Your Body of


1. The Basis of Disease:  Louis Pasteur vs. Antoine Bechamp:  Know the True Causes of Disease
2. What causes Neuropathy
3. What are the current Treatments of Neuropathy
4. Improve Your Health Without Drugs


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.  All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of this website in full or in part is prohibited without the express written permission of MCVitamins.com

We have used our best judgment in compiling this information. The Food and Drug Administration may not have evaluated the information presented. Any reference to a specific product is for your information only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease