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from your Nutritional Education Site

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1. To those who use WSN products.
2. Something you've never been told about breakfast cereals

1-16-09 1. Nutritional Supplements:  Signs & Symptoms
2. Diabetic Ulcers - An effective natural solution
A Simple Yet Effective Way To Lower Blood Sugar & Insulin Spikes After Eating
High Carbohydrate Meal

1-23-09 1. Health Myths #1 & 2  - by Dr. Cindy Clayton, D.C. & Nutritionist
2. Another  Myth - Synthetic Vitamins will make you Healthy.

1-30-09 1.The Four Biggest Health Myths  - # 3 & #4  by Dr. Cindy Clayton, D.C. &  Nutritionist 
2.  Health Conditions - What is good health?  Ingredients for Good Health

2-6-09 1. Chemotherapy & Neuropathy
2. The Difference Between Drugs and Nutrition Supplements for the treatment of Neuropathy 
3. Why You Don't Want Reduced Fat Milk in Your Diet!
4. The Healing Power of Vitamin C
5. What You Can Do to Boost the Effectiveness of Vitamin C

2-14-09 1. Health Tip - Raw Protein - by Cindy Clayton, D.C.
2. Net Carbs?  What does that mean? Are pre-packaged “Low Carb” foods really low carb?
3. Damaged Cell Receptors and Diabetes

2-20-09 1. Health Tip: Happy Hearts - by Dr. Cindy Clayton, D.C. and Nutritionist
2. MCVitamins News Archives  
3. What do you want to know?


1. A good Breakfast Cereal, by Dr. Cindy Clayton, D.C & Nutritionist
2. Something you've never been told about Breakfast Cereals
3.  Protect Yourself from a “Food” Ingredient That Causes Nerve Damage!

3-6-09 1. News Stories from McVitamins 
2. Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness?
3. 8 Tips for Arthritis

3-13-09 1. Sinusitis, Inflammation of the Nasal Sinuses
2. For anyone whose ever had trouble weaning off of antidepressant drugs.

3-20-09 1. Vegetables - go for the Green - by Cindy Clayton, D.C., Nutritionist
2,  The Difference Between Drugs and Nutrition Supplements for the treatment of Neuropathy - or for any drug and natural treatment. 
3. Supreme Court ruling on suing for damages from pharmaceutical drugs.


1. Damaged Cell Receptors and Diabetes
2. Healthy Bodies for People on the Go! - Health Tip
3. The Link between Sugar and Mental Health
4. Can Selenium & Omega 3s prevent Colon Cancer?


4-3-09 1. Benefits of Massage
2. How Niacin lowers Cholesterol
3. Alpha-Lipoic Acid & Neuropathy


1. What is Neuropathy?
2.  Neuropathy, what to do about  the pain, the tingling and the numbness.
3. Warning: Never Swallow Regular Toothpaste - by Dr. Mercola
4. Symptom Survey 


4-17-09 1. Exercise Tip
2. Is there really a right and wrong way to walk?
3. Another Cause of neuropathy.
4. Do you know what medications have a side effect of Neuropathy?

4-24-09 1. Can't Lower Your Blood Sugar?  Learn Why and What You Can Do About it?
2. Improving your Diabetic Condition with Exercise.
4. More Neuropathy Causes and Lawsuits filed. 

5-1-09 1. Do you like Salt on your Food?  What it means.
2. What is Glutathione?  and Could Glutathione Be a Predictor of How Long You Will Live?
3. The Swine Flue Pandemic - Fact or Fiction? 

5-8-09 1. Chemo Brain - a Side Effect of Chemotherapy
2,The Cause of Neuropathy as a Side Effect of Chemotherapy
2. More on the Flu

5-22-09 1. New Email for MCVitamins
2. What deficiencies can do to your Health.
3. New Test for Neuropathy?


1.  Triglyerides and Diabetic Neuropathy
2.  Causes of Neuropathy - Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness?
3.  The Difference Between Drugs and Nutrition Supplements 
4. Too Much Cola Can Cause Muscle Problems - Even the Sugar Free & Caffeine Free

5. Take our Survey


6-5-09 1. New Article and new Recommended Remedy - Sinus Infections
2. How Niacin Lowers Cholesterol 
3. An overlooked "nutrient"

6-12-09 1. What are nutritional deficiencies and what do they do to your health?
2. What to expect when taking Whole Food Vitamins.
3. Peripheral Neuropathy Patients Who Take Diabetes Drug May have a Vitamin B12 Deficiency
4. Vitamin C may stop Diabetes Damage

6-19-09 1. Another drug that causes nerve damage - Zicam 
2. Check for the Side Effects yourself - Learn what potential side effect there are for any drug. 
3. Swine Flu Remedies - What is happening?
4. Research Breakthrough - Chemo Brain - a side effect of Chemotherapy 

6-26-09 1. Home Remedies 
2. Hopeful New Study Reveals Omega 3s Kill Cancer Cells
3. How Mult Vitamin Mineral Supplements Can Help with Breast Cancer
4. Are your vitamins doing you any good?


1. Improving Blood Circulation
2. Things that can Stop Nerve Damage Repair - Worth Reading even if you don't have neuropathy.
3. The Difference Between Drugs and All Natural Vitamin Supplements 
4. Signs & Symptoms of Deficiencies
5. New Remedy for Sinus problems.
6. More research - on Fatigue &  on Celiac Disease 

7-10-09 1. The Right Diet for a Diabetic
A Simple Yet Effective Way To Lower Blood Sugar & Insulin Spikes After Eating High Carbohydrate Meal
3. Cancer & Chemotherapy - An inconvenient truth

7-17-09 1. 12 Food Additives You Should Remove from Your Diet 
2, Dehydration - Its summer.   This article is about hydration, why it is crucial to a healthy body. 
3. The Difference Between Drugs and Nutrition Supplements for the treatment of Neuropathy - or for any drug and natural treatment.
4. What are nutritional deficiencies and what do they do to your health.
5. Are you getting enough Vitamin C to protect your body from illness and disease? 
6. Bothered by Pollution?  Sensitive to the presence of smoke in the environment? 


1. Health Care Reform?
2. Severe Eczema - Why Traditional Treatments Fail 
3. Hot weather or in the sun - Don't forget about Dehydration
4. Health Conditions - What is good health?  


7-31-09 1. Kidney Stones
2. What exactly does Universal Health Care or Health Care Reform Mean?   (sorry, last week we had a  broken link) 
3. Genetically Modified Foods (called GM Food), why they are a problem
4. Joint Pain and Discomfort

8-7-09 1. Insights on Multiple Sclerosis - There is an increasing number of safe, effective and exciting treatments for this previously "hopeless" disease.
2. Health Myths - Are synthetic Vitamins good for you? 
3. Health Myths #1 & 2 - Your Diet - by Dr. Cindy Clayton, D.C. & Nutritionist
4. Diabetic Ulcers - An effective natural solution
5. Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness?  
6. Are there additional health problems you need help with?

8-14-09 1. Be Very careful in replacing missing teeth.
2. Chemotherapy & Neuropathy
3. Difference between Drugs & Supplements in the Treatment of Neuropathy
4. Is inflammation burning up your health?
5. Having trouble building muscle?

8-21-09 1. Taking Cymbalta for Neuropathy?
2. Why Diabetics should NOT eat Oatmeal?
3. Things that stop Nerve Damage Repair - for Neuropathy sufferers - but others should read this too.
4. The Pain Scale
5. How We can Lead Others in the Health Care Revolution - by Dr. Mercola
6. What exactly is on the Obama Health Care Bill?
7. Ten Things Missing from Obama's Health Care Reform.


1. Toxins in Your Environment- what they do to the body.
2. Another Poison Hiding in Your Environment  - Bromides & Your Thyroid
3.. Home Remedies



1. More on Toxins that can ruin your health - Who's Sneaking Toxins into Your Home-Cooked Meals?
2. Is High Cholesterol really a problem?   An article from a medical doctor, Dwight Lundell, M.D.
3. What is Neuropathy?
4.  Neuropathy, what to do about  the pain, the tingling and the numbness.
5. Warning: Never Swallow Regular Toothpaste - by Dr. Mercola
6. Pfizer Fined for Fraud



1. Good Bacteria Fights the Flu
2. Grapefruit Interactions with Medications
3. Want to Measure your Carbs - Use this Free Carbohydrate Counter
4. On a low Carb diet - No More Boring Meals - Great Recipes.
5. What are Amino Acids?


1. Warning Swine Flu Shot Linked to Killer Nerve Disease
2. Routine Consumption of Aspirin to Prevent Heart Attacks and Strokes "A Big Lie"
3. Do you like Salt on your Food?   What does it mean?
4. What are nutritional deficiencies and what do they do to your health?     Or is it your genes?


9-25-2009 1. How Niacin Lowers Cholesterol
2. Why High Fructose Corn Syrup Causes Insulin Resistance
3. News about Paxil and Birth Defects
4. Health Care Reform is More Corporate Welfare


1. Do you know which dangerous food ingredients to watch out for in your groceries?  
2  Metal Water Bottles May be Hazardous to Your Health . 
3. Improving your Diabetic Condition with Exercise



1. Health Conditions - What is good Health?
2. The Difference Between Drugs and Nutrition Supplements 
3. Well Known Health Tips that No Longer Apply
4. Vitamin C - The Missing Vitamin



1.  Neuropathy, A Diabetic Side Effect: How to Decrease or Eliminate This Problem
2. Is there any difference between Diabetic Neuropathy and other forms of Neuropathy
3. How to Maintain Normal Blood Sugar
4. How Much Vitamin D Do You Really Need to Take?
5. E-Coli Myths?  No one was ever made sick by eating Leafy Greens 


10-23-2009 1.  Improving Your Diabetic Condition With Exercise 
2.  Diabetic Ulcers An Effective Natural Solution
3.  Nine Ways to Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer
4.  How to Keep Firm Muscle Tone as You Age
5.  Stop Eating Your Muscle for Fuel


1. What are nutritional deficiencies and what do they do to your health
2. Are you getting enough Vitamins C to protect your body from illness and disease?
3. What is Chelation?
4. How to actually chose healthy chocolate for Halloween.


11-6-2009 1, Underlying Causes of Diabetes "Complications
2. Why Low Fat Diets are Incorrect and Dangerous to Your Health
3. Common Links in Swine Flu Deaths

11-13-2009 1. Things that Stop Nerve Damage
2. An Important Cause of Chronic Fatigue
3. Fiber - It can Lower Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels
4. The Right Diet for a Diabetic
5. Low Carb Thanksgiving  Recipes


1. A Visual Demonstration on What is Type II Diabetes? (with Insulin Resistance as well)
2. What is Insulin Resistance and how does it affect your body?
3. Artificial Sweeteners - Why they are not good for you.
4. Way to Support Your Immune System
5. How You can Avoid the Dangerous Side Effects of Pharmaceutical Drugs


11-27-2009 1. What are the types of neuropathy and how do they effect the symptoms someone feels
2.  What makes you at Risk for Neuropathy?  What are the many and varied causes of Neuropathy
3.  Easy, Economical Green Remedies You can Prepare at Home
4. Health Care Reform  

12-4-2009 1. What is Good Health?
2.  What are the current Treatments for Neuropathy?
3. An Article on Magnesium 
4. Vitamins for Anxiety
5. You Complexion Reveals Your Diet and Health


1. What does Magnesium do for you?
2. How to Prevent the Flu... as  easy as 1, 2, 3....
3. Chemo-Brain, or Chemo Fog, now called................
4. The Healing Power of Vitamin C
5. What are the Signs & Symptoms of Neuropathy (nerve damage)


12-18-2009 Our Food Issue  - Just in Time for the Holidays!!!

1. Dark Chocolate - The New Anti-Anxiety Drug
2. You can Cut Cholesterol by Eating Walnuts
3. Add Spice to Your Life
4.Top 12 Foods for Healthy Immune Response
5. Sugar - It will be everywhere during the Holidays
6. What to do if you know you will eat too many carbs?


12-25-2009 1. 6 Worst Fast-Food Burgers (and What You Should Eat Instead!)
High Triglycerides & Cholesterol: How To Lower Them Naturally
3. Butter or Margarine, which is better? 
4. What are Statin Drug Side Effect?
5. The Unromantic Truth about Why Your Kiss.


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We have used our best judgment in compiling this information. The Food and Drug Administration may not have evaluated the information presented. Any reference to a specific product is for your information only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
